Chapter Fifty Six

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(Book 2 'Where has the Time Gone' if you enjoyed this book check out book 2!)
We havent even been able to use Deklans nursery very long before Slade suprised me with his decision to go to Princeton, as Slade and his family packed I sat on our couch feeding Deklan. Practically everything is packed, all they have to do now is load it on the truck.

"Is there anything I can do?" I ask feeling useless, and mostly I want to spend more time with Slade before he leaves.

"No you just relax, we dont want you to pop your stitches." I roll my eyes, and look under the blanket, Deklan is half asleep but the tiny little gulping sounds is too precious, I enjoy being a mother, I really do, there isnt anything I hate about it, I dont mind waking up to tend to his needs. Of course I miss the sleep but I love my baby so there isnt anything that I hate about it.

"Stupid stitches." I grumble, pouting, I want to spend more time with him, we wont be able to see each other for a month or so.

"Hey everything will be okay sweet heart." He sounds slightly annoyed, I understand moving is stressful but lately I dont feel hes very in the relationship. I carefully and slowly stand up and walk up the stairs to my room shutting the door and sitting over in the chair. I take Deklan away adjusting my shirt and lay him on my chest to burp him. I sigh heavilly closing my eyes waiting for him to puke or burp, either way its gold. "Trella are you mad?"

"No im tired, im fine you can go back to packing." I say not opening my eyes, Deklan thankfully burps and I slowly stand and put him in his foldable crib, tummy down and turn to Slade. Im overwhelmed myself Im fine though."

"No your not okay, Trella you need to communicate with me."

"How am I supposed to communicate? Ever since I had him youve been distant! Did I do something?" I raise my voice making Deklan stir and I sigh picking him back up rocking him.

"There is nothing, Im not trying to be distant! Its stressful going to collage when my wife just gave birth and now I have to pack up and leave you two here for a month, I dont get to see you for a month, I dont get to see our son for a month!"

"I under-"

"No you dont Trella! Your not the provider you dont understand what its like leaving my vulnerable wife and child here!"

"Excuse me! I can take plenty care of us alone!" I snap, Im perfectly capable! "Im not the innocent and broken girl you rescued!"

"It doesnt matter your still my wife and I still care! Im explaining my feelings to you but you dont understand, Ill see you there." He says leaving without a good bye or a kiss, nothing, as if in fast forwards all the boxes in the room are gone, all is left is the chair, the foldable crib, and my bags for staying here for the month. I put Deklan in the crib and I hurry down the stairs running through the door watching the truck, his car attatched, leave. I begin to sob loudly, running to the curb.

"Slade!" I scream my heart broken, but I only watch as his truck leaves me. "Slade!" I scream again, the tears running down my face, Im sorry I said those things, Im so sorry.

Why did I have to say those horrible things, I should have understood what it was like! I cant blame them on my hormones anymore, even though its not until a full month im restored of my hormones. My chest aches for him, he should have at least said good bye to Deklan. "Trella." Ice cold words slither behind me, the cold breath brushes behind my neck making the hairs on my body stand. My skin crawls and my body turns stiff. I slowly turn facing the eyes of my father, the ice cold eyes, dark circles but an evil smile is plastered to his face. "Ive missed you." He sneers, I only get a glimpse of something metal before its shoved hard under my sturnom puncturing my diaphram. My eyes widen in shock, how is he out, and most importantly why did he just stab me?

I look down his hand firm on my skin, blood coating my shirt, he sharply turns it yannking it upwards and I gasp. "Ive planned this day since you locked me up, now I finally have you." He keeps his hand there, blood pours over his pale hand, it doesnt faulter from its spot. I feel the blood flowing down my stomach and down to the cememnt below. "Your just as weak as I thought." I start to fall to the ground, he catches me lowering me to the ground carefully. "Now you can go join your brother in hell." He snarls ripping the blade out and plunging it down over and over and over. Blood splatters everywhere, I cough up blood and soon everything is in a haze, my eyes seal shut as my body jerks from everything, the stabs, the beatings, the torturous rape on my broken body.

Blood pools around me, I didnt deserve this, I didnt deserve this torture. Ive been everything he wanted me to be and he took my happieness away from me. But the two things that flash in my minde is Deklan, and Slade. I love them with all my heart, and I shouldnt have fought with Slade, hes going to hate himself now, hes going to blame himself for this. But its not, its not his fault, its my fathers, this monster how ever he escaped prison hes out, and he just murdered me for no reason at all. I brought him to justice, I brought my half sister to justice as well, her boyfriend or whatever.

Now Im dead, is this what it feels like? Being on a ship during a huricane? Everything shoving me everywhich way, to die and give up, or fight and stay knowing the survival rate. I cant give up, I just cant, I have a four day old baby, Im a mother, a wife I have too much to live for, Im eighteen and I can do this, I want more kids, four more actually and Im not going to be done at one.

My eyes slowly peel open in a small haze, still on the ground, laying in a pool of my blood, my father has gone and paramedics and officers surround me. My vision is blurry, my chest heavy, people looking in my eyes and such. "My boys...." I gasp my eyes closing possibly for the last time, and that saddens me, a small tear slides from my eye until nothing.


"Hi mom." I smile running into her arms tightly, Jacob stands next to her, all in white, all of us, our bare feet in white clothing. Mom looks amazing, all her beautiful hair and no sad lines.

"My child." She kisses my head, everything feels so real, I pull apart and cling to Jacob, holding him tightly.

"Jacob." I sob into his firm arms, they look so well and healthy nothing wrong with them. The tears run down my face, the desperation to see him again and I finally get to see him.

"Im here now." I hear him choke up himself lifting me from my feet. "My little sister is a mommy." Both of us chuckle, he puts me down and I take both their hands.

"Im so happy to be here with you guys now."

"Oh dont get used to it, your not staying here." My mom says cupping my face giving me a sad smile. "As much as I want my children here with me its not your time, your a mom now, dont leave your son."

"But you left us." I whimper putting my hand over hers, my eyes getting glossy again, its been too long since ive seen her in person, or spirit I guess.

"It was my time, if I hadent died look what would happen." She points over to a cloud and shows a picture of dad, Jacob, and me perfectly fine, but we all slowly drift apart, I would have never gotten married to Slade, or had Deklan, Slade actually got arrested for stalking me. Jacob got hit by a car, and I was in a plane crash.

"Thats horrible."

"If you die..." She shows another video of total distruction and chaos, Slade a cerial killer, Deklan in the foster system but a total ass, and a giant explosion fuzzing the screen. "See you play an important roll, now go back to your family sweet heart. We love you." She kisses me on the head hugging me tightly, Jacob hugs me from behind in a small family group hug. "We love you." They say in unison and I fade away back to my body, on the operation table.

A loud buz enters my ears, my body aches and Im all opened up, with tubes in my mouth. "Shes back guys!"


Whoa! Wasnt expecting that were you?! Please COMMENT and vote!!! This is the last chapter...for this book! Il work on book 2 later!!! I love you all please comment!!!! Thank you all for the support in the making of this book I really appreciate it!!! Comment what the next book should be like!! Also if anyone wants to be a character in the next one leave their name, age, gender, if they are married? Or friends with anyone? Or their character discription, I take suggestions!!! Until next time my lovlies I love you all!!! BOOK 2 up called "Where has the Time Gone"

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