Chapter Three

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Walking down the halls with tears pouring down my face, I don't understand why people have to be so cruel? He is messing with my mind, seeing if I will give in and be so desperate and sleep with him, he wants to test the waters, and hes not going to get very far. "Trella!" I hear him call behind me, I wipe the tears and hurry away towards the counselors office, he is the only one that knew about my situation in life, now thanks to Miss. Pregnant Perfect my life is ruined.

He grabs onto my arm and I hiss ripping it away from him, turning to him quickly he stares at me with much concern. "I'm sorry..." He mutters weakly, his eyes wander down to my shoes then back to my eyes.

"Don't say sorry when you didn't mean it!" I snarl, his face softens and he does truly look sorry, I'm so confused he has bullied me my entire life.

"I did, I'm sorry I went way too far pushing you like that."

"Doesn't matter to you! You've done crap like that to me since you've met me! Now that I almost or could have died you fear going to prison! Now you say sorry! Next time might be too late!" I scream so aggravated and fed up with life, he makes me weak! He hates me along with everyone else in my school!

"There wont be a next time, I'm not exactly smooth about asking a girl out or admitting I like them." He scratches the back of his fluffy and perfect hair.

"Like I can trust you! Remember Valentines day my freshman year? You bought me flowers I was allergic to and you laughed when I broke out in hives, you asked me out later that night and I waited! I waited for five hours at the movies for you and what did you do? Spy on me and take pictures posting them on the school website voting me the most desperate! I'm done with your crap!" I scream tears pouring down my face, I'm so done with people, they cant be trusted!

"I got grounded that night, that meant no electronics so I couldn't tell you! I didn't take those pictures someone else did! I am trying to tell you I'm sorry!" He shouts back causing a crowd to come piling out into the halls, teachers yell trying to get them back into class but I just stand here broken, my heart is broken, I was in love with him my freshman year, he was so nice to me, then after that night he bullied me every single day.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not breaking up with you so your not losing something valuable." I shove past people and make my way to the counselors office, I've had too many issues today and I just need a moment to gather myself, to think, to feel myself relax in such a brutal situation, high school.

Knocking on the firm plastic/wood like door he quickly calls out. "Come in." I enter his office and immediately hit with the smell of cinnamon apple candle burning on his bookshelf, certificates lining it. He smiles and stands up from his well organized desk and smiles even brighter. "Hello Trella, please sit. I heard about this morning, are you okay?" He asks me concern now replacing his smile, I shake my head letting out a defeated sigh. I slowly walk to his comfortable leather chairs and slump. I put my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands and start to cry, I'm not okay, nothing about my life is okay.

"I hate it here! I hate life!" I sob into my hands, I hear him quickly stand up and he moves over to the next red leather chair next to me placing his hand on my shoulder, the perks of having an uncle as my councilor, he can hug me.

"I know, I completely understand."

"No you don't! You're not me! You don't have to go through everything I do!" He pulls me into his arms and I take in the sweet smell of his dark temptation axe. His sweater vest is so comfortable and soft, it seems to soothe me.

"I know I'm not in your place, but walking the halls I understand that your doing nothing wrong, its the bullies, but they have emotions they just cant seem to get out. The place they get that from is from their home, they don't have positive living conditions."

"I cant take it here one more minute, did you call the cops? Did you turn my dad in? Please I don't like it!" I beg  him turning up to face him I grab his collar tightly pleading him. Even though I asked Camille not to, if my dad found out it was her he would kill her, but he would never hurt him.

"I didn't...I don't have the heart to turn in my brother." His words shatter me, he cant stand up to his brother, my dad, for anything, for anyone. I stand up and leave, I cant trust him now, I told him about my dad, what if he went to him and ratted me out about it? "Trella don't go, please don't leave over this."

"Mr. Cooper you don't call the cops when a student is being physically abused? Take the fact that the abuser is my father, your brother, and do it to save my life, he could abuse me so badly I don't come to school tomorrow, because he kills me. You could lose your job for knowing things about a student and not telling the police." I say calmly not looking to him, I open his door and leave his office and head to my second period class, that's gym, Ill just stay there and not worry about passing anyone I know in the halls, the last thing I need is something more awkward.

"Trella!" Turning slightly I see Camille running up to me, her skirt bouncing high. "Hey, are you okay? What happened?" She asks me her hair loose from running to me, her blonde hair falls in her face.

"Nothing, I'm just ready for lunch. Also I'm sorry for how I lashed out...I really didn't mean it. You're my only friend who understands me." I give her one tight, meaningful hug,  turning into the gym and head into the locker room, I pull open my locker not minding Miss. Perfect painting her nails on the bench.

"How are daddy problems?" She asks me not looking up from her nails, I don't answer her and I take off my clothes not caring she is here anymore, I don't care if people know my dad beats me every night until I am unconscious, I don't care if he kills me anymore, I'm done with my life. I strip down to my underwear and she suddenly goes speechless, I pull out my gym clothes but turn to her, her eyes are wide and she eyes my scars warily.

"Maybe you should stop making fun of people and get down to their facts, my mother died my freshman year, I cut myself because of all my mental and emotional pain from my crappy home life and school life, no matter where I go I'm not safe! I don't know about your life and you don't know anything about mine, I don't go around gossiping about you and how you got pregnant! So leave me alone!" I snap, I pull on my clothes just as the first class piles in cursing about dodge ball and how the guys killed them.

I shove past them all and head into the gym room meeting Slade there, heading into the locker room, he has double the books, our eyes meet and he walks over to me not having a word on his mind or anything to say, he hands me my books before walking into the dressing room. I cant trust him, hes just trying to see if I will give into him once again, but after that heart break that wont happen, that was also the night my mom died.


Hey guys, I dont know what its like to be abused nor to cut myself, I did get bullied in school but not that much, it was manageable, so Im trying to write it without it being false or completly stupid. So please Comment and vote! I would really appreciate it! And I know the uniform picture is late but its up, thats a small feel of it.

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