Chapter Nineteen

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I stand over my brothers body sobbing, no one dared touch me because I told them not to, if they did I was going to kill them. I hold my face staring at him, why would they let us see him if he is so horribly beaten! I cant even tell this is my brother! He has bald patches of hair on his head, bite marks all over his face and neck, his hands as well. He has only six fingers total, he has slashes on his face and hands, his eyes are so balck and puffy as well, he looks so horrible how could I have seen him like this? Why would anyone want to see their brother that protected him die, and such a miserable pain!

I hold one hand across my stomach and my other elbow propping up on it holding my mouth. I sob staring at him, because that is all I can do, Uncle Cooper is here staring at him as if its no big deal and no life was taken! I fall to my knees in too much emotional pain, my brother cant be gone, im so sorry for my sins but please dont take my brother from me!

"No! Please! Jacob Im so sorry! I shouldnt have listened! I should have come home!" I scream, sobbing onto him, firm hands wrap around me but I fight it off, I thrash and thrash trying to get away but I lose, they turn me around and hug me tightly not letting me fight. "Jacob!" I scream, I want my brother back he didnt deserve this! My father was supposed to beat us equally not just him! This is all my fault!

"Trella...shhh...hes safe now." Slade holds me tightly, his chest calming me slightly but I cant stop the pain in my chest, the urning for my older brother, the one last trustworthy family memeber I have! He was the last one left I cant do this without him! Once we got away he would have been a perfect uncle!

"Hes gone." I sob, my throat hurting from crying so much, I just want to lay next to my brother for the rest of my life, I want to stay with him so I never forget wat my brother looked like before this happened, I dont have a picture of him, my father burned them all.

"I know, I know, lets go home." He whispers pulling me away from the beautiful service, I dont want to say good bye, I dont want to burry my brother and have him gone forever. If I burry him that means he will never come back to me.

"No!" I scream trying to get to him, all I want is my brother.

"Come on Trella." He says pulling me harder, Tammi comes up in front of me pushing he hair out of my face.

"Trella, lets go home okay?" She takes my arm making me stop fighting it and I leave, taking one last glance to the cemitary workers closing his black, glosy casket, Uncle Cooper leaves placing a rose down before they lower his casket into the healthy earth. I turn away and continue to sob, Im tired of fate and destiny playing with me, my brother didnt deserve this, the horrible torture!

"Im sorry Jacob." I whimper, they shove me into the car, I sit into the leather laced car, I hold my heart aching in misery.

"Lets just go home and rest, Trella you need to go to school." Tammi says, I already know I need to do that, I already told myself I would!

"Can you take me to my house?" I ask her not looking up, my eyes on my lap at all times, I want to go there and burn the house, I want to go by myself and burn it. Burn all the horrible memories that sucked up all my wonderful memmories with my mother, telling her about my first A, or my first crush, crying when Slade left me at the theatre, when I flunked a class, or when she tells us she entered a beautiful pagent. She won, obviously because of her beauty.

"No, you cant go there." Everyone practicaly yells no, Tammi just finishes it off.

"Its my house I want to go there! No one else will be there but me! I want to take some of his things!" I shout, I dont know what has come over me, all I know is so much anger and guilt has caused me to bottle up and I think now Im exploding? "You dont rule my life! You cant force me to do things you want me to! Just because Im weak in your eyes doesnt mean you can control me! Im my own person! Rights or not I make my own decisions because you.Dont. Own. Me!" I scream at her, I want to go and see my brothers room, I want to watch my house burn! It will give me closure, it will let me know that my father is gone and has nothing to come back to, my brother is gone but he doesnt have evil memories lurking in that house. "I am not anyones puppet! No one owns me! No one can control me! I do what I want!" I shout my hands trembling with anger, my face is bright red and my hands clench the bottom of my black dress. "Let me out of this car right now!"

"Trella you need to calm down okay?"

"I dont want to calm down! What I need is to go to my house right this moment!" I shout, I climb over Slade and open the door, everyone screams and he pulls me back in slamming the door. "Stop touching me!" I scream thrashing, his hand tightens around my stomach and I slap his hand scared he might hurt my baby. "Stop please!" I scream terrified and he looks at me confused.

"Its your stomach, nothing is in it...unless..." He looks at me with wide eyes and stares at my stomach then to my eyes. "Your pregnant still?" He asks me looking slightly angry but then his face softens.

"Im Im not!" I stutter shaking my head frightened.

"Yes you are stop lieing, you cant keep it a secret!" Esmerelda says, her makeup slightly running, I turn to her in shock and horror. "I cant keep it a secret that my brother is about to have a baby! Its his right to know you never miscarried!"

"You what now?" Tammi yells at me, she turns staring into my eyes widely. "Your pregnant and you tried to keep it a secret?"

"Its not my fault he doesnt even want the freaking baby!" I shout back to her, I feel so ashamed yet so angry.

"You cant keep something from us like this! Its huge!"

"I dont care, he doesnt want to be in his life he doesnt have to be!"

"I have every right to know that you are still carrying my child!" He grabs my arm making me turn to him but all I want to do is cry, I want to cry because the hard face he is holding.

" dont want the baby what was I supposed to do?!"

"Tell me!"

"You dont love me or the baby." I start to cry softly scared of him, how did he even know? Im so scared right now, I dont want him to hurt me.

"You wont let me show you how much I love you, Im scared okay? I dont want what happend to Cammiles baby to happen to ours, yes I said I was never in love after Valentines Day, I wasnt, it happened. I love you Trella! I want you, I want our baby! That is our baby not just yours, not just mine, its both of ours and we created that baby together! We created that baby out of love! Our love we have for each other we made a human being! I love you so much! Please realize this! I love you!"

"No you dont!" He shoves his lips to mine but I shove him off, I snarl at him fuming. "You will never see me or this baby ever! You will never see its scan! My labor! My birth! You will never see it! Doing what you asked!" I snarl in his face but he only starts to cry, tears running down his face.

"You cant do that to me!"

"Watch me!"


Hey guys!!! Sorry its been like...a day. Please COMMENT & vote! I love you all! Thank you for that support!!!

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