Chapter Fifty Two

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Cleaning around the house getting prepaired for Deklan to come, I fold his clothes putting them in his dresser and organize his room, my nerves are wild as my due date approaches right around the corner. In less than a week my little boy will be in my arms. No longer in the safely of my womb, warm and tucked tight, made from my blood, he uses the oxygen I breathe, uses the nutrients I eat, and uses the heat I provide, and soon he will be out into this world not protected like the extra my body provides. 

"Youve been in here for hours come to bed." Slade says all groggilly, he stands in the doorway, his hair all frazzled and only in his boxers. 

"I know Im just making sure everything is perfect." I say making his bed once again, the third time today. "It doesnt feel right, like were missing something?" 

"We have everything we need and more, come on you need your rest before he comes." He comes over to me standing me up completly. 

"I dont want to, it doesnt feel real to me, that were about to have a baby." I stroke my hand across the crib where he will be sleeping. 

"You need your sleep, save up energy for his delivery." 

"Okay." I come with him back to bed, I look at the clock, its two in the morning, he has school in three hours, I would hate to go to school this pregnant. I turn to him giving him a kiss then fall asleep with my specail pillow that supports all parts of my body.  But I cant, Deklan wont stop moving, all his movements and small false contractions doesnt have me relaxed enough to sleep. Ugh. I wiggle free and go stand in the corner of the room and pace alittle, both hands on my back while I breathe, these ones kind of hurt. 

"Come back to bed." Slade says, I just shake my head, these have been happening since my birthday, around the same time. I hear him sit up, he turns on the lamp next to him and when he sees me he comes over. "Contractions?" He asks calmly and sweetly, I just nods and he wraps his arms around me, I do the same placing my head on his firm chest and close my eyes. 

"Ow..." I whimper, these dont hurt that bad usually. "Can you call your sister just in case?" I ask sitting on the chair near me letting it pass. 

"Yeah." He walk over grabbing his phone and calls Millie, please dont be today, I havent had my sleep, I dont want it to be today at all. "She said shes on her way." I nod rubbing my stomach, if these are really it and Deklan is coming today Im going to be angry. "You okay?" He asks me kneeling in front of me rubbing my calvs. 

"Yeah, theyve been happening all week its nothing new necisarrily, other than the fact that last one actually hurt." 

"Maybe this could be it?"

"No, I wont let it, you have to finish school, and your big hockey game, that I will try to attend." I take his hand stroking it and putting it on my belly where I feel Deklan wiggling. "But we need to admire these moments before he does come, because the same baby wont be in my belly every time." 

"I know, can I video you right now? Just to put something together for you?" He asks me grabbing his video camera, I shrug not really caring. He adjusts it and turns it on, he points it at me, "If this is Deklan watching this is your mom the date is, June 7th 2014. (Sorry gonna use that date instead) Your causing your mother greif, shes been up at two in the morning every day for the past week having contractions, I can tell your going to be a prankster. We want to see you."

"No not yet I dont want to yet, he can wait another couple days." I grunt laying my head back breathing harder. "Where the hell is your sister?!" I snap, I grab my stomach tightly. "Slade turn it off!" I snap closing my eyes cringing, my stomach tightens the muscles all over my lower back and stomach tighten pushing downwards. 

"Sorry Im late." Millie says, but when she sees Im kinda busy she shuts it. 

"Ow..." I whimper my eyes clench shut tightly, I grab my stomach trying to make it stop. I hear Millie whispering to Slade something. "Shut it!" I throw something at them, I think it was my electronical pencil sharpener. It ends quickly and I sigh sitting up straighter and looking seeing Millie and Slade just staring at me. "Hello my cervix isnt getting any smaller over here, come tell me if this baby is about to come taring through my vagina or not?" I snap at her, I stand and walk over to the bed laying on my back unconfortably. 

"Okay pull down your pants please." She says pulling on gloves, I can tell this is her first delivery of a real womans baby, not a dolls. I slip off my pants  and spread my legs, Slade grabs the camera but I glare at him. "Im not in labor." She begins and I flinch trying to pull away. 

"Stay still." I can hear her fear, shes scared of doing this for the first time, but shes my sister in law and also one of my best friends, shes fine. 

"Its hurting!" I snap, I dont like her touching me there, she soon finishes taking her gloves off. 

"Your three centimeters, thats common for mothers in their last week for them to dialate, your not in active labor but I suggest you stay on bed rest until the contractions arent stopable at all. Id say in about two days if your done with this pregnancy sex should be the first thing you go to, to induce labor. So no leaving bed unless to pee. Ill be on the couch." She says with a small smile and leaves the room downstairs, I pull up my pants and turn to my side.

"I guess in a way I am in labor?" 

"I can miss school until you have him." I turn to him like hes nuts. 

"Hell no, your going to school and Ill drive down to the school just to tell you Im in labor for real, there is no way your not going to school."

"But your on bedrest."

"Im on bedressed not on my death bed." I take his hand pulling him over to me so his arm is wrapped around me resting on my stomach. 

"I know its just dangerous for you to be home alone, I mean what if you had him while I was at school and I couldnt come to help? Or there was a complication?"

"Thats why Millie is here, shes the midwife."

"This is her first baby, why do you think her instructor is coming?"

"To do the birth certificate duh." 

"No not duh." He rubs over my belly just as it tightens. 

"Ouch, ouch!" I hiss, I feel him sit up behind me, he massages my side and my arm, It feels really good but its not drowning out the pain.

"Just relax its okay, it will be over soon." I grab my thigh tightly squeezing it. I breathe like the instructor taught me and let it take over which made it end sooner. 

"Okay, Im gonna try to sleep now." I say still taking his hand and I fall asleep. So soon, hes going to be here so soon and Im excited but scared, what if Im not that great of a mother? What if I try to drown my baby? I just cant think like that, I have to be positive, I have to not think like that and just be happy Im having a baby out of all this darkness hes my light.


Whoa quite the scare there, please COMMENT and vote!!! Have a good night, or morning whenever you are reading this. 

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