Chapter Thirty Eight

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{None of my chapters are edited, so excuse the mistakes.}

"Well the jury  has decided the verdict. Please rise." Well thats odd, why do you need to rise for the verdict? But whatever, its the time I get to see what happens to my father, and sister, and uncle. 

I stand on my achey feet holding onto Slades hands shakely tightly, trying to prevent my hands from shaking. My heart is pounding, what is the verdict, I hope they go to prison, I hope they do, all those horrible things they did to me they have to! "The verdict is...innocent." My heart stops, everything stops on my side, on my fathers side everything is going wild, they are laughing and hugging each other.

" there has to be a mistake!" I sob sinking to my chair, head in hands and I sob hard, they had to hear the things they said about me!

"Ms. Hadley we are not finished yet! Jessica is innocent, but must stay in rehab for three weeks and get medical help for the schizophrenia disorder. Mr. Cooper, is guilty along with Mr. Hadley, Mr. Cooper for rape, and Mr. Hadley, for threats, the murder of your son, abuse to your wife, and children, murdering your child, abandoning your second daughter in a dumpster, theft, and trespassing into private property." I sigh even more with releif, even though I want Jessica to go to prison the men are, the ones who did the most damage. "Mr.Hadley in prison for one hundred and fifty years to life, no parol. Mr. Cooper, five years to life, and three years parol." The men are arrested and escorted out, of the court room, Slade lifts me up to my feet and hugs me tightly while both of us sob into each other. 

"Your safe now baby, your safe now." He strokes my back, Im finally safe, I can be safe! "Lets go home now." I nod my head and sniff, now I can continue on my lfie.

(Twenty Five Weeks Pregnant) 

I stand in the bathroom panicing, I stare in the mirror at myself, my huge belly popping through my wedding dress, Tammi and Millie just scrathced something up for me. Its beautiful seeing it took them almost a month and a half to make for me. Baby, Slade got tired of his name so its no longer Travis, just baby, is kicking up a storm, maybe because today I get married! 

"Trella you need to calm down!" Millie comes in with her beautiful teal dress, I only have one bridesmaid so Millie is my maid of honor. 

"I know...Im having braxton hixes right now." I say leaning over the counter, its an outdoor wedding, were up in the mountains and its beautiful, but cold. "I also really have to pee, could you help me?" I ask and she bolts from the room to grab her mom. Its funny I have one maid of honor/ bridesmaid and Slade has five. They are going to have fun dancing with Millie tonight! 

The girls come rushing in and help me into the stall and pull up my huge dress lowering me onto the toilet at the same time. I start to pee and start laughing, they are in the stall with me while I pee, its just funny.  "Whats so funny?" Tammi asks me, shes dressed in a red dress, her hair up in a tight bun, me im in a half up half down, all curled, and the first time ever I have contacts and Im actually wearing make up for the first time, I feel beautiful. 

"Its akward with you guys in my bathroom with me while I pee, just hillarious." There is a small knock on the door and I finish, grabbing my tp and do my busness while Tammi and Millie freak.

"Who is it?" Millie calls and the girls help me up, I hunch over pulling up my sexy thong that Millie insisted on. Its so uncomfortable and hardly fits because the widness of my hips and my buldging belly. Tammi and Millie help me stand, Im going bare footed because my feet are too swollen. 

"Its me Slade, I wanted to see how Trella was doing?" We all scream slamming the bathroom door so he doesnt see me. "I just wanted to see if she was okay?"

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