Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Okay can you please lay back? And unbutton your pants and slide up your shirt please?" My doctor asks me, hes very nice and was very sweet when he told me I gained ten pounds, I was sad but its for the baby. I do what he asks of me and I smile, Im so excited, were about to find out what were having, Esmerelda and Tammi are in the room for pictures and such which I dont mind. Of course I would have prefered to have it Slade and I only but  its the future grandma and aunt.  "Its room temperature but it might be cold?" He puts the gel on my stomach and it doesnt feel cold, its fine, I grab Slades hand tightly already feeling emotional, the day I find out what Slade and I are having, our small human being inside.

"First I want you to make sure the baby is okay before you tell us what it is." My hands are already shaking, I dont even know if I am fit to be a mother, after all the stuff Ive been through I just dont know, I mean I tried to kill myself when I was pregnant with it. 

"Okay, and dont worry." I nod my head trying to calm myself, this is also the first day we get to hear its heart beat, I wanted today to be extra special, he turns on the heart monitor and the room is filled with the loud sloshing sound of its heart beat, automaticially I burst into tears, I have a baby inside of me, a living baby living inside of me. One of my hands overs my eyes as I cry, I cant belive this, its so magical my body is a host to a small little being Slade and I made together. 

"Trella its okay, why are you crying?" Slade asks me sweetly, he strokes my hand with his fingers and thumbs.

"I-I love it s-so much." I sob, I cant belive how much I am in love with my little being I have never held, or can touch, I have never loved so much like this before, yes I do love Slade so much but I mean Im creating a life inside of me, I didnt create Slade in my womb, he is my other half but this baby is apart of me and I would never give something so precious away. 

"Would you like to find out the gender?" The doctor asks, I nod my head looking to the screen and he smiles, I sniff and wipe away my tears looking at my baby all cute and tucked up in a ball inside me. "Well here are his hands and feet, your baby is growing perfectly, its perfectly healthy with a perfect heart rhythum nothing wrong at all." I sigh releived, now this is the moment we all have been waiting for, for these sixteen to seventeen weeks we have been waiting to find out what our child, neice or nephew, or grandchild is. "Congradulations you two its a boy!" He says turning to us, I gasp turning to Slade with wide eyes and I break down again, Im having a boy! Its just what I wanted for him! He can teach him football and hockey! Well actually no, I dont want our son getting brain damage! Oh my gosh!

"Slade!" I sob and he holds onto me tightly while I sob, Im having a baby boy! 

"Look, Trella hes going to be just like me." He points to the screen and I know just what he means and I start to laugh, so does Esmerelda, Tammi is crying holding her phone up now taking a video. 

"Slade, I would prefer not to think that my son is going to be as big as you." He pouts alittle and I laugh, sniffing up the fallen tears and I admire my little boy. 

"Oh my gosh...this is surreal! Im having a boy." I turn to Tammi and them in awe, I look back to the doctor and he is smiling as well, looking at our boy, we get the full view of our little boys gender and his face. 

"Im having a grandson!" She sqeals almost dropping her phone, the door opens with a man dressed all in an army uniform. 

"Am I having a nephew?" He asks, he has a dufflebag, Tammi screams jumping into his arms and she sobs, she sobs so hard holding him tightly, I turn to Slade who is holding his mouth in awe and he is crying as well, then I fit the peices together, his brother that was MIA, this is him. This person, his older brother is alive and well. The doctor takes the doppler off my stomach and leaves the room while Esmerelda and Slade join in the hug.

I cant explain the emotion of Tammi, Slade, and Esmeredla in the room right now, their brother who has been MIA for years is here, in the room with us, Tammi wont stop hugging him, now he has started crying, a family reuinion, well not with them all. But this is such a happy moment I cant help but smile and show my respect to him, he served our country and sacraficed his family to serve billions of people and he was missing for years, all the heart ache and sorry that put his family through and now he is here, to rejoin with his family again, showing he is very much so alive and well. 

"I cant belive your here." Tammi sobs horribly into his muscular chest, he is very well built and groomed its impossible not to respect him. 

"I leave for five years and I come back and my little brother is expecting?" He says wiping his tears and Tammi backs off of him still in tears, he turns to me and smiles warmly. "How are you? Are you really giving us a boy?" He asks alittle jokingly, he is so sweet and kind already, he is growing on me.

"Y-yes." I stutter getting alittle teary eyed myself, I pull up my pants buttoning and zipping up my pants, along with pulling my shirt down and sit up so I can propperly meet him. "Im Trella." I say and he shakes my hand firmly but gently. 

"You two are getting married correct?" He asks eyeing us both jokingly yet again, Slade cant help but to hug him once again, Slade missed his brother, they all thought he was dead, I would be the same way too if I knew Jacob was still alive, but sadly he isnt...I saw with my own eyes he was truely dead, but Im not ruining the moment, I am going to have another in-law. 


Hey I tried to make it as emotional as possible, I wanted to wait for more comments but the boys won! Its a little boy! Now start coming up with adorable baby boy names!!! The best one wins! I hope you liked the little add in where his brother is back! COMMENT & vote my lovlies!!!

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