Chapter Thirteen

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They place me on soft cushony padding on the floor and cuff my hands in soft giant cubes, I lay there sobbing, I dont want to be here alone, I dont know anyone! I just want to get out of here, I want to be in Slades arms where he promises me that I will be safe, now being in this silent room all alone I can think. I think about Jacob, how he was murdered, he probably gave up on life and slipped away how I wanted to. "Get me out of here!" I scream laying on my side screaming as loud as I can in pain, I dont want to think any more, I dont want to think about him, I dont want to think about my dad.

"Trella just relax okay? We are isolating you for half an hour so you can calm down okay?" The doctors voice is loud in an intercom, I cant see him, I dont know where he is, am I hearing things?

"Get me out please! Please!" I scream in terror, I hate to think, to day dream, I cant do this, I cant please someone save me! My breathing quickens but I try to calm down, I need to calm down I cant breathe, the room seems to shrink around me, making it small, the air is thinner and seems to suck the life righ out of me. 

"Calm down." He calls into the room, I cant hear him, he isnt here he is only in my head, dont think about it Trella. The padded door swings open and I seal my eyes screaming. 

"Dont touch me!" I scream in terror, sobs escape me more rapidly, someone cradels me in their arms, I open my eyes to see Slade, how did he get in here? I pull myself up and into his arms and hold him tighter. I sob into his shoulder like a child, I feel so terrorized.

"Its okay." He rocks me back and forth soothing me, he presses his lips against my head holding me tightly, he is my saviour, but how did he get in here? "Your safe now." I try to control my breathing and he slips off my padded cubes from my hands and I wrap my arms around his neck trying to hold him closer so he doesnt leave me. "No one will hurt you." He promises me kissing my head over and over rocking me softly.

"I dont want to be here. Please dont leave me alone in here." I hiccup, I cant be in here without him, he loves me, I cant do this alone he cant be away from me, someone could kill me.

"I will see what I can do, but I am here right now. Dont worry about anything but me, Im here, you and talk to me, and feel me okay? Just focus on right now, not the future." I center my thoughts on him, he is here right now. 

"Im scared." I keep my head firmly on his chest, both of us on the floor holding each other.

"Theres no need, just focus on me okay? Listen to my heart beet." My ear presses against his chest and I close my eyes, I listen to his heart, pumping his blood around his body keeping him alive. Going to every organ, cells producing by the second, our bodies are magical. His heart pumps steadily in a nice, smooth rythum, I sigh relaxing my tensed body, it still shakes and trembles but he is here, I cant be happier that he is here with me right now.  

"Slade take me home please." I whimper forgetting about his heart, I dont care what meds they have to put me on, I need him, he is my medication, as long as I am with him Im safe. He told me so, I belive him. I sit up and look into his eyes, they are soft and disapointed, they look so hurt, tears still slip from my eyes and he kisses one away. His head presses to my forhead and he sighs, I know he cant, my chest clenches.

"Its the law you stay in here for seventy two hours." 

"No please dont let me stay here, please I cant, please dont!" My voice cracks and I hold onto his arms tightly, I dont want him to go, I dont want him to leave me. "You promised me you wouldnt leave me! Please dont." I cry out holding him to my head tightly, my arms and hands shaking terribly again, to an unmanagable state.

"Trella dont think about that right now, I am here okay?" He whispers to me, he looks into my eyes and he smiles weakly, like he is doing a horrible thing leaving me here. I know he has to leave soon, I just know it.

"No because your going to leave me."

"Breathe, take a big breath and relax, here." He takes my left hand and pulls out a sharpie, I pull my head away and start looking down watching him draw on me. He draws a ring around my figer with his best try of an infinity sign like my ring in the office. "See, Im always with you." He says putting the marker away and he looks back up into my eyes and cups my face. "I will never ever leave you. No matter what I did to you at school just a week ago I still love you, Im not great at expressing my feelings but now that I have you I will never leave you okay? I will visit you every day when I can okay?" 

"Dont say good bye yet please." My hands grab his on my cheek and more tears fall, his own tears form in his eyes and he kisses me lightly. 

"I do have to go." He kisses me one last time before he stands up, my heart rate quickens and I stand up too, I dont know what to do, he is leaving me! 

"Dont please dont!" I scream and I start to walk to him but he quickly leaves and the door slams behind him, I scream and bang against the fluff.  "No! Please dont!" I scream pounding onto the padding begging for them to let him back, no! I cant be alone in here. "Dont..." I sob sliding down the wall into a huddled ball and cry, I sob and sob squeezing my eyes shut, they cant do this, they just got too close to me, I just want to be with him and I promise I will be okay, I promise I wont hurt anyone. 

My arms hurt, I look down to see my bandages are turning red, slowly, the bandage sticks to my wounds and I whince in pain. "My arms!" I scream, I know this is a way to get me out of here, I dont want to be in here one more moment.

"What about them?" The speaker booms through the padding, no I cant see you I cant talk to you like this!

"I popped my stitches!" I scream, but no responce is heard, my hands trail to my head and grab ahold of my roots, I hold my hair tightly trying to remain calm, nothing can hurt me in here because Im alone, I am by my self and I am okay. I can do this just seventy one hours left. But I am going insaine I feel it, I feel like people are watching my every move, my head starts to throb and I pull my hands away and see that I have a clump of hair in my hands, I need help, Im going crazy, someone needs to help me before I do end up succeeding and ending my life.


Hi lovelies!!! Please comment and vote!!!! Shes falling for him!!!

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