Chapter Forty Five

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The stupid baby shower was too much work and the entire time I wanted to kill Cammi. Im laying on my couch with my shirt off and pants, just in my bra and underwear. "Trella!" I hear Slade call, I smile happily and look over to him. 

"Baby I have missed you!" I chirp feeling him move now, his daddy is home and hes so happy! 

"I missed you too! Guess what? I talked to my councelor and he said you can go to home school on line and get your degree." I think about it before I sigh taking his hand.

"I really dont think I have it in me Slade, im gonna have him in a few short months and after that I wont have time to."

"Its just three hours a day for four days."

"I have to finish two years of school though, Im too fat and exhausted to. Look at me." I say showing him my bare body.

"Thats okay." He says still smiling kissing my lips, I love him so much. "Lets go upstairs and just chill okay?" He says taking my hands, he hauls me to my feet, he helps me up the stairs and with every step I pant harder, this is no fun. We finally reach our room and he helps me onto our messy bed, Im panting trying to catch my breath. "You okay?" He asks me sitting in bed next to me, I nod laying down facing him.

"Yeah, its really heavy."

"I was thinking we should talk about Jacob, I know its really hard for you but I think its for the best?" I bite my lip not wanting to cry, Ive done enough of that lately.

"I-I dont know what to talk about, other than the fact he was murdered?"

"What are some happy memmories?" He asks me holding my hand and with the other he is stroking my belly feeling him move under my skin. I sigh looking up into his eyes not wanting to really talk about Jacob but its important to talk about every once in a while. 

"Uh... Well the Christmas before my mom died, we went ice skating and Jacob had a cold that day and he looked like a walrus, he kept slipping and landing on his butt, my mom and dad were skating holding hands, ive never seen a couple so perfect....Later on we got hot chocolate and he sneeked the hot chocolate on my dad. We laughed so hard!" I laugh my belly jolting, then remember that I cant share it with him, I cant share the memory with Jacob.

"Why the long face? Try to remember more things." He says cupping my cheeks, I sigh leaning forwards and pressing my soft lips to his.

"I dont want to remember." I whisper and kissing him again, I feel his hands wrap around my face and neck kissing back softly, his jaw moving softly making mine move in sync. "I love you." I innterupt him looking up into his eyes sighing. "I dont want you to get the wrong idea baby." 

"I wasnt I like making out with my beautiful wife, even though when she is pregnant like this it makes me really horney."

"Yeah I can tell." I joke holding his hand, I sigh just staring at him to enjoy the view. He smiles slightly moving the hair from my face.

"Youre so beautiful." He says softly, his eyes dont linger from mine.

"I don't feel it but thanks." I say kissing his lips again, I take his hand moving it to a new spot on my belly and soon his eyes light up, the baby has been all for the energy lately.

"I cant wait until he comes." He says holding my large belly, I smile, his nursery is almost complete I just have to open all the baby shower gifts and put them in his nursery. 

"What are we going to name him though?"

"Liam, Noah, or Elijah?" He asks, he sounds like he has been thinking about this.

"I like them all, but hes keeping Jacob as his middle name if thats okay?" I ask him, and he smiles happily almost to laugh.

"Of course baby. I like Elijah and Noah the most."

"Me too, more Elijah, Elijah Jacob Ericson?"

"That does sound cute, lets try all the options, Noah Jacob Ericson? Liam Jacob Ericson?" He asks me,  but I cringe on Liam. 

"Liam is out, that doesnt sound cute at all." He chuckles before getting seious again.

"Dont be mad but my mom and I are working on an organization in memory of Jacob, a place people can go and talk about their feelings of being abused and such, and we want you to run it, give speaches there and council people. We want to name it Jacobs Dream?" I just look at him saddened Im not ready to talk about it, Im hardly comfortable about talking about it with him.

"Okay, but when does it open?"

"Next month."

"Next month? And you expect me to haul myself there and give motivational speaches when Im this far along?" 

"Trella I know what your doing, your pushing people away, your blocking me out too. I want you to talk to me."

"Slade Im scared! There is something wrong with our baby and Im fat and depressed and you expect me to be all up and bubbly?" His face turns to shock and alittle terror.

"What do you mean there is something wrong with him?" His brows furrow and he sits up staring at me alittle angered.

"Look how big I am for seven months, the doctor said I could have too much water which could cause me diabetes, or all the nutreints could go to my placenta other than him...what if Im killing him?" I cry, Im killing our son. 

"Ugh Trella that doesnt mean there is something wrong with him, you scared me, doesnt matter if your big for seven months it just means that its more protection to him okay?" He leans down kissing my cheek and hugging me reassuringly.

"Im so scared I dont want anything to be wrong with him. Look at all the crap Ive been through while pregnant with him! There could be something wrong with him."

"Dont think about that, lets just relax and watch some tv." My stomach tightens slightly and I groan sitting up on my knees, my arm behind my back to support me the other on my belly trying to rub it. "You okay?" He asks me getting up next to me and he rubs my belly too.

"Contraction." I grunt and it soon goes away and I lay back on the bed again. "Its going to happen alot until hes born."

"Okay, i love you." He kisses my cheek but I turn him onto my lips kissing him happily but kissing is as far as hes going to get. 

"Ill finish school." I say between kisses, he only smiles through my lips. 



Sorry its been so long guys so busy and major writers block, I would have written longer but I couldnt it took alot to write this much so sorry. Ideas from HisQueen4Ever!! COMMENT & vote please!!!!!!

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