Chapter Fifty Three

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I watch the doctors hook up Slade to the machines, hes in that sexy hospital gown waiting patiently. I chuckle taking his hand. "You ready to go into labor, sir?" I chuckle at him, he just rolls his eyes when Cammie comes in holding a camra.

"Say cheese?" She takes his picture and he groans annoyed.

"You told her?"

"Yeah I told her, your going to be telling everyone when Im in labor." I state my facts, hes probably going to post it on facebook and twitter, announce it at school like 'OMFG my wife is in labor!' Okay Im exagerating a bit. 

"Fine..." Haha I knew it! 

"So the incramints will go all the way up to ten centimeters, this will go on for an hour okay? You ready?" Slade closes his eyes and nods, I just cant controll myself, I giggle hysterically. 

"You have to give birth." I chuckle, so does Cammie, she starts filming him, the doctors start and he just shifts uncomfortably. 

"Up until three it will be like menstral cramps." Haha he doesnt even know what that feels like! I take his hand but he acts all big and tough, this is the best hour I spent, watching my husband in labor. 

"This is no big deal, labor should be easy! I bet I can go the whole way without crying." The doctors even laugh alittle, I shake his hand. 

"I bet you cant go to five." I put three buck on the table, "Thats all I got." The doctors put money in as well, so does Cammie. 

"Let the entertainment begin." The doctor cranks it to two, he huffs and shifts alittle more. 

"Im fine Trella, Im fine." He whines alittle, he holds my hand slightly tighter, not too  much though. 

"Cammie are you getting this?" She nods holding her mouth from laughing. 

"All of it." We have fun, Cammi, me, and the doctors talking and laughing at Slades pain. 

"You wont be able to do that well with you not breathing." I coo like hes a baby, hes holding my hand for dear life and yelling in pain, his face is bright red, his stomach is twitching and trembling. 

"Dont tell me what to do!" He yells, his face scruntched up and hes clinging onto the bed and my hand. "What are we at!" 

"A four." Cammi and I laugh but he only yells frustratedly, also some cuss words slip. 

"How the hell do women do this naturally?!" 

"They breathe for starters." A nurse sasses but I only find everything about this funny, he head slams back, he doesnt want to hurt his pride any more than he actually is. 

"Breathe Slade! Its not healthy to be holding your breath." I finally start to be helpful, trying to tell him encouraging things, this is akward telling this to my husband, almost like hes constipated and trying to take a dump. "You can breathe, try and relax, your doing good for a male." 

"Your not helping!" He snaps and turns to doggy possition groaning, he slams his head onto the hospital table groaning and yelling. They bump it up and he screams like a little girl slamming his head more frequently on the bed. 

"Slade stop doing that." I panic alittle, thats not really healthy, like if he got hurt at hockey, does he do doggy and slam his head on the ice? 

"It hurts! I dont have a vagina to shove my liver through!" I just have to suck it up and take it, i probably am going to do this as well, yelling at him. But I give him some ice chips, he dumps most of them all over him, hes panting and sweating. I just love him more though for thinking of actually following through for doing this for me, my due date is in four days, this is crazy, four days. 

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