Chapter Forty Eight

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I lay in bed exhausted and not at all helped, that was not very pleasurable he just seemed sex deprived. "That was great." Slade says laying in bed next to me, I nod rubbing my stomach, I feel akward, after all we did just threaten each other now we just had sex. 

"Im tired now, Im going to sleep." I roll onto my side trying to close my eyes and sleep, but his hand drapes around my hip pulling me close to him. He leans over me kissing my ear and jaw probably wanting another round but Im not up for it.

"Im sorry for everything I said." He whispers in me ear nibbling my ear lobe, but that doesnt make me horny or happy nothing. 

"Same here....can I sleep now please?" I whisper not wanting him to get angry with me, I want him to be happy but Im exhausted.

"Why? I want to spend time with you."

"We did for like two hours of on going sex while Im heavily pregnant, did you not think for a second that maybe two hours is too long? I understand you are sex deprived but Im due in a month and a half and sex is at the bottom of my list, please let me sleep." I beg trying not to snap but I guess it came out that way, he grabs his clothing and leaves. I am just his quicky, he doesnt care Im going to give birth in six weeks. I cant help but cry, I love him and he only uses me for sex! I cant believe this, Im so tired of him getting angry at me, Im trying to be nice Im trying! I grab a few things of mine and call a cab, tears run down my face as I wait for it outside, once the cab pulls up I make them take me to the air port, I may be pregnant but Im fine to fly and thats what Im going to do, anything to get away from this crappy life Im fine with. 

We reach the airport and I pay him with the little money I have and head up to get a ticket for some place else. I look at the board for something cheep and the next flight is in three hours to Mesa Arizona. "How far along are you ma'am?" The lady asks me and I roll my eyes annoyed. 

"Seven months."

"Can I see your doctors note to clear you for this flight?"

"What are we in freaking school now? Its a plane ticket for a couple hundred miles away this baby aint going no where!"

"You cannot board the flight without that ticket im sorry." I groan and load a bus to get me someplace far as well, Im done with life, Im sick and tired of trying to please people! If Jacob were here I would have to worry about having a baby in six weeks because we would be off in a third world country getting tan, eating, learning new languages but no! Im here, pregnant, my husband left me, I have hardly any money and Im due in six weeks yes life is amazing!

Someone slides into the seat next to me, I turn and see its Slade, how the hell do people find me! "Where are you going?" His tone is sweet and loving, but Im feeling anything but that from him.

"Away from this place. Im just a skrew up and a burden." I fight back the tears, Im done with those too, Im tired of everything in life!

"Did we ever once say that?"

"Stop just stop talking Im leaving and you can have the baby, Im not suitable enough to be a mother, Im mental I just want to get away." Now I break down, I just dont know what to do in my life, everything is all a jumble, I just want my family, mine. My mom, Jacob, I want my dad the way he used to be. Im about to have a baby this is all too dificult and straining for me.

"No, Im not taking the baby from you, you can leave but Im coming, where are we going?"  He kicks back and relaxes, I dont want him to come at all, I dont want him here I want to be alone! 

"Why are you here? How did you find me?"

"You think I didnt follow you here? I went out to get you some chocolate because I forgot it, and Im a bit jumbled about finals and collage exams are coming up, I just am alittle spazed, so I followed you to the airport got there before you, told the woman no matter what not to let you onto the plane, and I jumped onto the bus before you, do you think I dont know you babe? I do, I know you wont stop at anything to get out of an uncomfortable situation." 

"Get off the bus you have school i dont so get off."

"Not going to leave you, if you dont think so, I love you, I promise you I love you so much it hurts me when you think that I dont love you." He takes my hand squeezing it, but I dont touch him back, I want to be alone.

"No you dont Im just your quicky, you dont care about me."

"Yes I do, you dont know that I dont love you.If I didnt I wouldnt have been with you all this time, the moment I knew you were pregnant I could have left, but I didnt, I love you. You and I are about to have a baby, Im so excited for that." 

"We never get along anymore, we have short tempers and I dont want you to think I hate you. Its the hormones."

"I know, I know Im under alot of stress and I shouldnt have said anything like that to you, I shouldnt have taken my frustration out on you." I sigh not looking at him, I only stare off in the distance.

"You need to go home, your stressed about high school and collage just go Im not anything to worry about." 

"Yes you are your amazing why do you think I married you?"

"So our baby can have a father?"

"Because I love you." I shake my head, I love you is just words they have no meaning unless you put meaning there, I dont feel it, the only way he knows how to show meaning is through sex. "Lets go home, relax, and watch some TV together."

"You have school which is more important to you."

"Stop being so stubborn and open up that I really am meaning what I said! I love you and thats that, there isnt changing it, now lets go home and rest." 



Hey guys!! Sorry for the long update!!! Happy New Years!! Please COMMENT and vote I love you all!

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