Chapter Twenty

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After the fight in the car they dropped me off at my house and I walked inside shakilly, I was so nervous to relive the horrible night mares. To watch our lives in replay over and over being beaten and abused. 

I walk up the steps, my hand brushing against the nob before opening it, the smell of blood is sickening, the old smell. The smell was far too familiar,it made me so sick, I entered the house closing the door behind me seeing all the yellow caution tape, and small yellow numbered cards probably for the evidance. 

I look to the stares seeing thats where my brother died, where his final moments lay. I rubbed my very flat stomach and sigh, my brother wont ever be able to see my child, wont ever be the babys earthly uncle. I sigh and start walking up the rickety stairs and up into his room, the door is broken down, I look in his room to see a total mess, the bed is turned over his desk is broken but also turned, his books and trophies are strewn all over the place. His room looks like someone was on a rampage, oh wait, my dad was trying to kill my brother! 

I bend down and pick up a small box and start packing all of his things in it, tears stream down my face realizing these are his things, and that I have to take them because he is gone, forever. I pick up a shattered picture of Jacob and I, we were at the school carnaval together for his senior year, we took a selfie on the carosel. My face is painted like a little kitten and hes laughing. I remeber this wonderful memory, just five days before mom died, before valentines day, before dad started beating us. I hold the picture to my chest and start sobbing, Im so sorry. "Jacob, Im so sorry." I sob, shutting my eyes praying that this is all one horrible night mare, just a dream that I cant wake up from. 

Soon firm arms are draped around me letting me cry into their chest, sob in pain, my mother and brother are gone, dead, never coming back. The hands start stroking my back and head, trying to soothe me but who wants two dead family members? They were my life, my everything, that should have been me, not them! Im invisable! No one loves me! Im not pretty, Im not smart, im ugly, and broken! Im unlovable and a maze, take a turn and your in a dead end. "Im so sorry." The husky voice says, my head twitches upwards to see Slade, tear stricken face, he is confident but he looks just as heart broken. "He was a great man." I hug him tighter crying harder, he was a great man, the best! Whatever woman there was to come across him would have been the luckiest woman on the planet! 

"I dont want him to be gone." My glasses press into my face the harder I press my face into his chest.

"I know, I know, I wish he was here too so I could have gotten to know him better." His chin rests on my head softly and I can feel his tears slipping onto my skalp. 

"Please dont leave me too." I whimper, I dont want anyone to leave me, anyone to hate me, I need to be loved!

"Trella I would never leave you, I love you, I was so stupid and scared I never ever meant to say those things or hurt you. I love you, you are the love of my life and I still want to marry you and I am over the moon about having a baby! I thought about us losing the baby and I was devistated, I was already so in love with it, I wanted it so badly, then you tell us your still pregnant I was shocked but releived, your child wasnt dead and we can still have the life we wanted. It doesnt matter the order its in, as long as I have you two I am the happiest, and luckiest man in the whole world." His voice is soft and calm, its not trying to persuade me, hes only telling me and confessing his love for me, for us. 

"I want to be a family." I pull away from him looking up into his glossy eyes and he smiles happily, still not showing to me that he has won but showing that he is so happy, and relieved.

"I do too. Now lets grab your brothers things and let this house lay at rest." I pull away and both of us start packing his things nicely into the little box. That was the last picture I had, we had. Tears still roll down my face, this is so strange how this has happend to us.

"Do you still think the baby is a bad thing?" I ask him not looking up, I still think back from when he said he didnt even want the baby. 

"I was scared, you were leaving me and I wanted you to stay, but by how mad we were at each other I wasnt sure if that was even possible to keep us. But I love our baby, I want our baby more than anything." We finish packing the little things of my brothers, even all his clothes, which were one pair of pajamas and two pairs of clothes. I slip on his huge black hoddie and take in his scent trying to remember what my brother smelt like. "Come on, lets go home." He helps me to my feet and holds my brothers box, I look down to the ground and start walking down the stairs, the house is empty but I can still hear the screams of my brother and I as my father viviously beats us until we fall unconcious. I remember my brother telling me he had to give me CPR one night because my father slammed my head hard against the counter. 

I can almost see me running for my life from my fathers room trying to make it up the stairs, he grabs me by the hair throwing me to the ground and starts beating me with the buckle side of the belt. I try protecting myself when Jacob tackles him to the floor and starts beating him with the buckle side of the belt. Jacob did that until my father was unconcious. I can still feel my brother holding me tightly hugging me reassuring me that I was okay, he shaked in my arms, with anger and rage. 

"Trella? Are you okay?" I blink out of the nightmare to see I am standing over the spot where I was laying when that day happened. I nod my head and walk into the kitchen and grab a lighter, I pull out my fathers full whiskey bottels and start pouring them all over our floors and curtains. "Whoa what on earth are you doing?" He asks me trying to pull the whiskey from my hands.

"This is the only way I can find peace, and to put this house to rest. I have to do this, please dont stop me." I look up into his eyes, his are full of concern and worry then he cringes. 

"Fine, but make it quick." I nod my head finishing pouring five bottles over everthing, I stand by the door and light the lighter before throwing it in the middle of the living room watching the whole room burst into flames, Slade grabs my arm and yanks me out of the house quickly closing the door behind me and shoves me into Prestons car, its only him and Preston. "Take us to McDonalds." I look back and watch the house burst into falmes, my eyes watch in awe seeing the beauty that my nightmares can be put to rest.


Hello everyone!! Thank you all so much for commenting and voting it means the world to me! I do use sarcasm in my stories so I hope you catch them? 

If you are wondering I thought back to a story I was reading and read a comment that said the author was sick because of the abuse in her story, saying the writer must be a victom to abuse and needed help. I hope my story is not that bad that I need help because Ive never been abused in anyway shape or form. Ive never been in a relationship, Ive never cut, and never been abused, nor ever had sex or been pregnant so all the things Im writing about I go into a deep place trying to feel what these people feel that have been through this. 

I know you must think Im crazy for telling you all this, like its not even improtant, but if a reader that does come along saying Im sick for writing stuff you can just suck it and walk away, stop reading my story if you dont like it. Sorry this is a sight to have fun and try to experiment and be creative, its not for professionals so stop compairing us all to professionals cause I dont care if I become one or not. Rant over.

Thank you all for commenting!! Im working on getting them back together, it just goes with the flow, please COMMENT!!!! and vote. I love you all thank you all for the reads!! I checked my reads last night and I was 1,032 then I checked this morning and it was 1.4K! Im so happy!!! I love you all keep rocking on and commenting, reading, and voting!!! Oo and Im sorry if I make you cry while you read my story, Im glad it reaches your emotion that much.  But sad it makes you cry.

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