Chapter Thirty

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"Everything is stable, his heart rate is alittle fast but hes still okay. What happened if you dont mind me asking?"  My doctor puts the doppler up and he looks at me concerned.

"Uh...I dont mind but I dont want to talk about it." I say pulling my shirt down and sitting up on the table, squeezingn Slades hand tighly. "So he is okay?"

"Yes hes okay, just rest okay? No stressing him out,, right now it wouldnt be a misscarrage it would be a still birth." I nod my head feeling tears in my eyes, today has been just too hectic, Esmerelda is in the corner, head in hands, doing nothing but that.

"Okay, thank you." Slade lifts me off table with ease and thanks the doctor as well. 

"Mellie! Come on lets go." Slade ushers to her and she hesitantly follows, her eyes very red and puffy, I fall behind next to her and take her arm while she crys. "Were not going back there, were going to the new house okay?" He ushers both of us along and into the car, Im still bleeding alittle bit but not alot. We slide in the back seat and Slade in the front, we all leave in the opposite direction, Esmerelda lays her head on my shoulder and sniffs. 

"When do they adopt you?" I ask her, trying to keep her mind off of it.

"Im an adult now, they automatically have my rights, well im automatically theirs." I gasp, I didnt know!


"While you were in the psych ward, I had my birthday, we went for lunch but thats it, I didnt want much anyways." It seemed to get her mind off of it, I take her hand and put it on my stomach and I sigh. 

"Sometimes he moves for me. Just thought if you focused hard you could really feel him." 

"Thanks but I know I wont be able to feel him, Im studdying to be a midwife, I cant feel him right now." A huge smile forms on my face.

"You're going to be my midwife okay? Im doing a home birth." She turns her face up to me and smiling from ear to ear, she seems like she is about to jump out of her skin.

"Really?!" She asks really excited, she turns to Slade and he looks like he would rather die than have this conversation, I sigh looking away from him but back to her.

"Yes really, I want you to be my midwife." She squeals and hugs me tightly with so much joy, she pulls away and holds my hands tightly.

"Im so excited!" 

"Youll more be the dula though, I want to catch him or Slade to."

"Thats totally fine! Im just so excited!"

"And your my maid of honor." I say and she screams making Slade jump and bark at her.

"Mellie! I am driving for Gods sake! You could have made me freaking crash damn it!"  He barks groaning, I sort of whimper hearing him use that tone again, it only brings back when he said he didnt want the baby. I soon start to cry just by his tone, I dont want to make him any more mad than he already is I just got really scared, I dont like feeling like this, so easy to cry. "Trella why are you crying?" He asks alittle annoyed, I just shake my head and sniff, turning and looking out the mirror the tears fall down my cheeks. "Trella, whats wrong?" 

"Just leave me alone." I mutter, I didnt mean for it to come out rude I just dont want him to talk to me or to talk about it. 

"Ugh, Trella, you need to talk to me, you cant just ignore me baby."

"I just dont want to talk about it okay? Just keep driving please?" He quickly pulls over and gets out of the car and comes over to my side opening the door and squats down in front of me.

"You ask me to be more involved but you dont talk to me? I need you to talk to me okay? Whats wrong baby?"

"I dont like when you yell." I cry again starting to sob, all the horrible memmories of when my dad yelled at me all those times starts coming back, what if he abused me? What if he didnt like when I got too fat and he abused me? Oh God!  I sob harder and he holds me tightly in his arms trying to calm me down, what if he doesnt really love me and is using me? What if he started to hurt me because I dont want him like that right now? 

"Whats wrong? How come your so shaken up baby?"

"P-please d-dont hurt me?" I plead holding him tightly, he hugs me back just the same and he sighs.

"I will never hurt you Trella, dont think like that, I would never ever hurt you." He pulls me onto his wais and shoves me back into the car on his lap, he holds me tightly and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Mellie, you drive." She climbs out of the car and into the front seat and drives away while Slade holds me tightly. 

"I-I dont w-want you t-to h-hurt m-me." I sob, small hiccuped sobs come from my mouth making me sound like a child, he just rocks me side to side trying to calm me down. 

"Im not going to hurt you, I would never hurt you, I love you so much."

"B-but you did, f-for t-three years!"  I hear him sigh in defeat, he strokes my back up and down again holding me tightly.

"Im sorry, I never should have done that, I cant express how sorry I am for that, I never, ever should have done that to you, that is completly unacceptable, you should have never been abused by your father at home and at school. I can never tell you how sorry I am for that, I love you so much, I so do and I never should have hurt you. Lets live in the now, I will never hurt you ever again, I promise you. Were about to be married, we have a little boy on the way, who was created out of love, at least you did love me when we made him? All I know is I am the luckies man alive to have such a beautiful and strong woman, you have been through so much and you are so strong, your still progressing in life, your about to be a wife and mom, in a short about of time." 

"I just cant....I cant do this any more, Im so paranoid to keeping him safe inside me and Im too much of an emotional wreck, all the stress is going to kill him. I cant live in this state anymore where all these horrible memories are." I cry into his shoulder, the car stops when Esmerelda, or Millie turns around.

"Well I dont know where we were headed since I dont know where your house is so I stopped at McDonalds, want anything?" I give off a small chuckle not wanting to part from him, we need to leave the state, I cant live here anymore.

"A hot fudge sunday." I mutter and Slade rubs my back making me moan alittle with pleasure, he chuckles and I slip off his lap not wanting that. "No, no." 

"Come on." He says alittle whining, my eyes open wide looking to Esmerelda. 

"Your sister is in the freaking car!"

"You two are doing what now?" She whips around to us and her eyes are open wide as well. "Slade she cant do it now! The baby is still too small for that, dont, just oh my mind! Im going to be sick!"

"Why?" He asks her as if its not obvious, she turns around in her seat sinking down in embarrasment. 

"Because I dont want to know when my brother is horney or making her horney! Thats disgusting wait untill we get to your  house and Ill sleep out in the fudging car!" We pull up to the window and she sits up for the guy and his face is bright red and he has a huge smile plastered on his face. I groan and roll down my window.

"Did you hear what we said?" He starts laughing and nods, he sounds hysterical.

"Yes, y-yes I did!" Well great we probably made his day!


So you guys are probably wondering about her dad, well probably in the next chapter I will explain it. But for now it hasnt came up, I just play it out. Please COMMENT & vote, if you have any questions please ask in the comment or PM. I love them both!  Thank you my lovlies until next time! Also if you ahve been commenting and voting and you havent received a dedication just let me know! I will dedicate a chapter to you! 

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