Chapter Seven

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*Some Sexual content, I dont go all full out but just letting you all know.*


"Hey mom you coming to the football game tonight?" I hear Slade rushing down the stairs, Im still in my new pajamas and Esmerelda sits next to me, we are both dead tired, we stayed up so late talking, crying, and laughing, Mrs. and Mr. Ericson had to come up a few times to tell us to go to bed.

"Ill try to, are you girls going?" Esmerelda gives a loud groan of annoyance and I smile slightly, she told me how much of a pain Slade is to her, how he always dips her tampons in red pain then tapes them to her mirror, letting the paint run down it. He does crazy stuff to her on purpose but those two have a love hate relationship.

"Ive never been to a game before, and I rather stay home with Esmerelda than go to one." I say eating my cereal, its almost as if Slade stops breathing, or living, he doesnt move at all and stares at me a bit disapointed, Im not his girlfriend or anything so its not like its a big deal, I dont understand sports and I hate them anyways, its a waist of time.

"Okay, my husband and I will be at a work party tonight so no partying yourself okay?" She jokingly says to me but turns to Esmerelda and she nods, she looks like she is about to pass out. "We will be home around two in the morning, now go get ready Trella."

"What about Esmerelda?" I ask taking my bowl to the sink, I slip on some water and the blow slips from my hands crashing down onto the tile with a loud shatter. I jump letting out a yelp, all the horrible memories and the instinct that whenever the sound of glass shattered that meant my dad was angry and he would use whatever shards against me. "Im sorry!" I shout tears instantly in my eyes, fear courses through me, what if they get angry at me for breaking something so expensive? Everything is expensive in this house, even my pajamas!

"Hey Trella look at me." Mrs. Ericson steps in front of me and grabs my arms before pulling me into them tightly, my breathing quickens and I start sobbing into her arms, I just want Jacob. "Your safe, now breathe okay, I dont want you passing out." Esmerelda comes up behind me and hugs us both too, my body shakes, Im safe though, I couldnt be any happier to be safe, I dont have to be abused every single day of my life. "Its okay, everything is perfectly fine."

"Thank you." I sob into her shoulder, she holds my head softly and strokes my back. She doesnt say anything, she just holds me, like my own mother used to do, when I would cry she would hold me, now Mrs. Ericson does it. I pull away realizing that Slade is here and probably watching me like a hawk, I wipe my eyes quickly and wipe my glasses off. "I need to get ready for school?" I say and leave quickly, I would pick up the glass I just dont want to be there in that awkward possition for one moment longer.

"Trella?"Someone knocks on my door, I know its Slade but I disapear into my closet.

"I dont want to talk right now." I mutter slipping off my clothing and look through the closet but I cant find any uniforms for school, I guess I will have to borrow one at school? I slip off all my clothes so I can change into new ones and find bras, yes the glory! The door opens and I gasp not even seeing and quickly covering my body. "Hey!" I bark, and he quickly leaves closing the door behind him, what is that creep trying to do to me? He knew I was changing he just wanted to see me naked, Im getting a lock for this room its really ticking me off.

I pull on my clothes and the bra fits nice and snug, it was so comforable and for some reason it made me feel pretty, I walked into my bathroom to see it already stocked with everything, I run to the deoderant and aply it generously. I sigh smelling it, it smells like flowers and rain, I brush my teeth happily, its been a month, why didnt Slade notice? I didnt brush my teeth for a month and he kissed me? Whatever. I look over to see makeup, I dont know how to use it so I dont bother, I pull my long auburn hair into a bun and walk back into my room and sit on the edge of my nice and comfortable bed and turn the TV on. The door opens and Slade enters, my heart stops and he closes the door behind me before approaching me, he stands in front of me and I look up to him and feel so small and weak, its crazy what a man can do to you.

"Im so sorry for everything, I didnt know but yet it wasnt right for me to bully you, Im not saying sorry because my mother told me to, Im doing it because I truely mean it, Trella I am deeply in love with you, and I havent been in love with anyone ever in my life, and since Freshman year I havent been together with anyone because of you, I love you." He leans down grabbing the bottom of my jaw and kisses me passionatly, its not full of lust, its true, its love, he is kissing me because he means it, his lips move slowly testing the waters and I let him, kissing me again, I let him, I kiss him back wanting him to love me, I want someone to love me for once, I know his mother loves me like a daughter but this is different, I want a man to love me, to be mine.

I want someone who will defend me and protect me, who will always be here for me. His hands trail up my shirt slipping it off of me gently and slowly, he isnt showing me he is desperate, he is trying to show me he has truly been in love with me, and by the way the love is radiating off of him I belive it. My hands finally move from my lap and find their comfortable spot on his waist and my hands trail up his examining his body, every crevis and muscle.

He slides off his shirt giving me a chance to breathe, Ive never done this before, but Im giving him everything, but should I be doing this? Should I after all he has done to me? This could just be a game, testing me to see if I will give in then he will just walk away, like this was for his own pleasure? But everything is getting so heated so fast, I dont know how to tell him to stop, I dont know how to tell him Im scared he might leave me after this, after all this is adult and married couple buisness, not seventeen year old games.

We both are quiet, its hard to stay that way but if his mother found out about this both of us would be dead and I might end up with my dad, but is this worth it? Its already too late, its already happening.


Looking to my clock I see there is five minutes before we have to leave, I turn to him and he looks at me like Im his jewl, like I am priceless to anyone but he managed to get me. His face is soft and so are his eyes, they stare into mine and he strokes his hand along my face stroking the stray hairs out of my face. He smiles softly before kissing me one last time, our moment is ruined by a knocking on the door. "Hey Trella? We need to get going were going to be late!" Mrs. Ericson calls from the other side, my eyes widen with fear, what if she has the key and she walks in on me, on us? Us. Thats a nice word I thought I would never use in my life, I thought no one would want something so broken, so bruised, so emotionally shattered?

"Okay, Ill be out in a minute." I call to her, I quickly get up and there is blood all over the bed, crap... I dont know what to do she is definintly going to find out now, she is going to kill me! I am going to go right back into my dads house and Im going to be killed for running away, Jacob. What did my dad do to him?

"Okay, Ill be out in the car." I hear her leave and I quickly run into my bathroom and try to clean myself up, I search the entire bathroom for a pad and I find, one, just one. Thats all I need, I dont know how long this is supposed to last but I dont want to risk anything. Slade comes up behind me with a small but concerning smile on his face, they tug on the edges of his mouth and his hand brushes over my shoulder.

"I will never hurt you again, and I promise you." Im dead, I gave in, now he is definitly going to leave me, use me, cheet me, and break me even more, if there is something to break left inside me?


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