Chapter Twenty One

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"This is really good thank you." I smile taking a bite of my burger, this is just what I needed, it tastes so great.

"No problem, so why did you set fire to your house?" Preston asks with a low whisper, I snort turning to him again.

"It was a part of my closure, I feel so much better now." I smile, Slades hand grabs my upper thigh giving it a small and reassuring squeeze. 

"I can see that, so you two cool with the baby and your marrige is all  back up?" Preston asks taking a bite of his own burger. I look at Slade and he nods to me kissing me, the memmory of his kiss makes me smile breaking us apart. 

"Here are your rings future Mrs. Ericson." Slade takes both my rings from his pockets and slides them on my greasy fingers, he kisses me one last time before pressing his hand to my flat stomach. "I have a game tonight can you come? Are you feeling well enough?" He asks me holding onto my hand tightly, I smile up at him.

"I wouldnt miss it for the world, even if I was in labor I would keep this sucker in me until your game is done." I mess with him when Preston clears his throat making us chuckle turning back to him.

"You two have plenty of time to do that when your in your room. Anyways when your labor comes on im pretty sure the last place you would want to be is at his football games. But probably by the time your baby is born he will be in hockey season?" He says eating more and taking a sip of his food, I turn to Slade confused.

"Your in hockey too?" I ask him and he nods smiling, we seem like a brand new couple, well we kind of are. 

"Yeah, its really fun and gives me plenty of adrenaline." I smell a strong smell of oranges and feel really sick, I grab my mouth and run to the bathroom shoving open a stall and puking my guts out. McDonalds is not that fun to throw up, just saying, I close my eyes tightly not wanting to see what I am throwing up because the smell is not all that pleasing. Im just excited for my next doctors visit to make sure the baby and I are okay. All this vomiting and my depression cant be good for our little guy. I hope we havfe a little boy, Slade needs one because with all my hormones to come he is not going to want another crying girl in the house, he needs a boy to bond with, to talk about sports with. Slade needs a baby boy, I wouldnt mind one as long as my baby is healthy Im totally fine with whatever we have.

"Trella?" Someone asks peering into the bathroom, I sniff wiping my mouth and flushing, I walk out of the open stall and see Slade peering in, I nod my head washing my hands before meeting him at the door. "You okay?"

"Yeah, does it still smell like oranges though?" He takes in a deep breath and he nods and I only frown. He slides off his jacket and wraps it around my face so I cant smell it. "We can take our food to go and leave." I nod my head holding my mouth tightly so I can be sure I cant smell them. He links with my arm and we both walk out of the bathroom holding my mouth tightly. 

We walk to our food quickly grabbing it all in a rush, I can get small whiffs of it. "Preston we need to go." With that Preston is on his feet with his feet too and we are walking out of McDonalds quickly. He shoves us both into the car and starts it. 

"Where to?"

"Home?" I chuckle taking off his jacket from my face, Slade puts his hand in mine holding it tightly before rubbing my stomach softly. 

"Im so excited for our baby." He mutters rubbing my belly back and forth and in small circles. "Its going to be here so soon."

"As in thirty seven weeks soon? Or as in two hundred and fifty nine days left." I giggle to him, and he frowns pouting. "Well we cant see it now! We got to let it bake." I chuckle and he still frowns like a small child. 

"Will you two stop flirting and chill? Your having a baby in the appropriate mount of time! Your having a baby!" Preston snaps from the front seat obviously annoyed with us, we both chuckle.


"Go Slade!" I scream over the crowd not knowing what is going on, Esmerelda and I sit in the front row not knowing anything but cheering Slade on. 

"What is going on?" Esmerelda asks me and I laugh, at her, she joins in.

"I dont know? Just cheer!" I laugh, she joins in and we start screaming for Slade, he picks up the ball and both of us scream, we are the only ones in the bleachers that are doing so, he only hands it to the reff and we smirk embarrased, they werent even playing. He saloutes to me sarcastically and I sit down embarrased, well that ended well.

"Well what do we now?" She asks sitting down next me, I shrug feeling tired, and sick, I just want to go home, everyone is so loud and so is the band my head is killing me, along with my blatter. 

"Could you take me home?"

"Yeah is everything okay?" She asks me concern in her eyes, her hand touches my shoulder and she looks really woried.

"Yeah, Im feeling pregnant." I mutter and she only laughs pulling me to my feet, those hurt too! I dont like this, Im only three weeks and I want the baby out of me, in my arms so I dont have to feel sick anymore. She stops laughing and I lead the way past the people down towards the parking lot. '

"Trella?" I hear a panting voice, I turn around to see Slade running up the bleachers over to me. "Hey baby you okay?" He asks me, I look at him slightly embarrased, everyone is staring at me, well us.

"Yeah Im feeling ichy." I mutter lightly so no one will hear us, he kisses me with his sweaty lips and I feel slightly grossed out by it. "I have to go home okay?" I tell him and he nods sadly but understanding.

"You two okay?" He asks me and soon the huge jumbo camera turns on us, to him rubbing my stomach.

"Oo is Slade and Trella expecting? The nobody girl having a baby?" The intercom screaches and all hell breaks lose, people scream at him and us, he shoves me out of the bleachers and Esmerelda and I scream running to the car, both of us zooming off past all the screaming girls, well someone cant go to school anymore! Or we will die, Ill figure this out, but I havent been in a month so that is kind of bad, but I will figure life out.

Esmereldas phone goes off and she quickly answers it laughing. "Yeah were fine, she is fine. Meet you at home in two." She says before hanging up the phone and pulls into the driveway. "He is freaking  out. You better go grab some ice cream and lounge out on the couch so he doesnt freak out that your not okay, he almost yelled at me."

"Its not like its your fault." I climb out of the car and thats when Slade pulls up in a frantic rush, he whips out of his car still in his gear and runs into my arms.

"Thank heavens your okay! Oh gosh that esculated quickly!" He says crazilly, he pulls me out to his arms length before kissing me one last time before we both walk inside. I take up Esmereldas offer and crash on the couch. 

"Esmerelda?" I ask in the annoying voice when people want somthing but act all innocent. "Could you get me ice cream?" I ask her batting my eyes at her, I hear her groan but continues to get me the ice cream. "Hey baby? Can you rub my feet for me?" I ask him pouting my lower lip and he chuckles at me slipping off his gear I gauge. "No wait, go shower!"


Hey guys sorry its been, a few hours haha!! I crack myself up!!! Super tired or the chapter would have actually been good. Please COMMENT & vote my lovlies!!! Thank you for all the support! I love you all keep reading, COMMENTING, and voting! 

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