Chapter Eleven

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Jacob....Jacob's gone...hes never coming back to me....Jacob.

His name replays over and over in my head, my brother is gone, dead, my father murdered him. My body is sore from my tantrum, I relax and stare at the side will away from the door, tears rolling down my face quickly, I just wanted him safe, if he wouldnt have sent me away both of us would have been alive, we would have still been experiencing hell, but we still would have been alive.

My hospital room door opens but I dont move, I dont glance over to whom enterd my room, while Im greiveing, trying to accept that my older brother is gone. "Trella?" Slade calls to me but I dont move, my restraints are nice and fluffy but it doesnt mean they are killing my wounds? "Do you want to talk about it?" He comes near me, my bed dips down at my waist and his hand grabs mine weakly, I dont pull away, my body is too numb to move, and everything is too much, life is too much. "Trella please talk to me?" His words are more like a plea, why is everyone so hopeful of me?

"He's gone...." I mutter a tear threatening in my eye, hes gone and he's never coming back, at least he's safe with my mom, up in heaven, watching over me.

"Oh I am so sorry." He carefully and gently pulls me into his strong arms and he holds me, while tears run down my face I hold him back and I sob into the crook of his neck.

"Jacob!" I yell into his neck, Im so desperate, I want him, I wish it was like supernatural, I could make a deal with a cross roads demon to get my brother back. My chest hurts, it hurts in pain of the loss of my best friend, he would give me his food, he would clean my wounds, hold me while I cried and for my night mares, he helped me with homework even though father hated when we did ours. I never asked how he was, how he was feeling, I never woke up for him for his night mares, I never even bothered to think he wanted to take us away and get us out of here.

Slade holds my head and back tenderly, letting me sob into him, I have no family left, Im the last one. I cant do this. "Everything will be okay I promise." He says into my ear, I can hardly hear myself think, I cant even breathe that well Im sobbing so hard. "Look at me." He pulls me away from him making me look into his soft brown eyes, I sniff, tears still blurrying my vision, my arms are still tied down so I cant hug him that well. "I promise you no one will touch you again, you wont be hurt, we will get through this okay?" He nods his own head hopeful and I follow his lead, his head slowly leans in and his soft lips brush against mine, coming together to my lips moving them slowly. 

I follow kissing him back feeling his comfort, that someone is here for me, that they might love, me. He cups the sides of my face before pulling away, he looks into my glossy blue eyes and he smiles. "Im sorry for everything I have ever done to you, I am so deeply in love with you Trella Hadley. I dont care if you dont love me back, I feel so protective over you." His words are soft and calm, they reassure me, they comfort me, they make me forget the life around me, that the world around me is my living hell.

"Please dont leave me...." I say, something in me sparks, I cant leave him, Im falling for him and hard, maybe because I did love him all those years ago and no matter how much I wanted to hate him I cant, some part of me inside still loves him, and its coming back. His tumb brushes the tears off my cheek and he smiles again not letting his eyes drift away from mine. 

"That never even crossed my mind, I want to be with you forever, and I so hope someday in the future I can call you my wife." My eyes open wide in shock, why does he, the most popular and attractive guy in school want me? Want to have me as their wife in the future?  I dont even know what to think, I am beyond flattered, I watch his every move ment, he pulls out a small velvet box from his pocket. "Its a promise ring, only if you will take it, if you mean it. That you and I will stay together and you and I are the only ones for each other. I have one too." He opens the box to show two rings, a manly looking one. Mine is a simple band, thin with small diamonds around it with an infinity sigh weaved through the band. My heart melts, this must have cost so much! "Trella Hadley will you accept this promise ring?" He asks me holding out the box, I take his ring, its just a simple band, on the inside it says I love her. Tears threaten in my eyes, I dont even feel that strongly for him, what if I meet another man farther down the road? Im still in high school, the love here is just simple and childs play. 

"I dont know...I want you to stay and not run away from me but I dont nescisarrily love you." I mutter examinging his ring, I take his hand and slowly slip it on, it fits perfectly, it looks so nice on him, I dont know what to think but that ring is supposed to be for him and I, the bully wants me, as his wife. We've never been on a date, that sex is just a fling, it was clueless and a test.

"You dont need to, its just...its just to see if we have something, we can start from the begining, go on dates, then see if we are fit for boy friend and girlfirend, then if it goes from there we can get married, then have kids."

"You want kids?" I blink a few times, not all men want kids these days, or teenagers even think about it, but I guess since he is eighteen and turns nineteen this winter...I guess he is an adult already?

"Of course, I want them with you more than anything, but if you think that we wont work then thats fine." He says, I can see he wants me to say yes, that I am the only person, the only thing that matters to him in the world. I sigh, I cant say no, because I dont know if he is playing me yet.

"Okay." I say looking back up to him, his eyes start getting glossy before he pulls the ring from the box, he takes my left hand and slowly slips it on my finger, the metal is cold on my finger but it slowly heats up adjusting to my temperature. "Its beautiful." I say admiring my new ring, Ive never had jewlery before, dad says its distracting, and I dont deserve such beauty. 

"Your so beautiful." He says giving me a gental kiss on my cheek, it slowly heats up but I dont smile, did I just make the right decision? Im horrible at this, I cant make right decisions like this. "I have to go, the doctors are going to come in and take me out if I dont leave myself. I will see you tomorrow morning okay?" He gives me another kiss before pulling away. "I love you so much." 

"How did your game go?" I ask him, an instinct taking over, that I need to always please him, If I dont then he could get mad and leave me.

"I didnt go, but we lost." He shrugs but inside I know he is angry, football is his life, he gets so angry when they dont win, when someone doesnt do what he says, I know this because I could get the brunt of it when the lost the previous night. "I will see you tomorrow." He winks before leaving my room, Im in some deep trouble, I got myself in to a heep of it.


Oh!! A promise ring! Comment and vote! I love you all for commenting it makes my day!!!

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