Chapter Thirty Four

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The police and paramedics come shooting over to where we were, dozens of cars, they all come running to me, they seem like they have so much releif in their eyes. "Trella, thank god, are you okay?" A police officer asks me, the paramedics run up to me laying one of those boards next to me. I shake my head, me still shaken up. "Your safe now sweet heart, your safe." He says as the paramedics usher me onto the board and strapping me in, they usher me away and I start to cry, I dont know if I ever will be safe, its proven to me that anything can happen to me. 

"Where is Slade?" I sob, I want to move my arms and stuff but they have me restrained, I start to panic, just like the chains, these are like the chains. I try to get free and freak out, but they assure me Im okay.

"Your going to be fine, is Slade your captor?" They ask me and I want to shake my head but the head strap prevents me.

"No, hes my fiance." I say, quickly,  I cant even think about Slade being my captor. He wouldnt hurt me, he said he wouldnt, but yet I cant trust my family. 

"Okay, just relax, we got you covered, we will be at the hospital shortly." He comes down next to my stomach and starrts to feel around on it. Presing into my stomach making it really uncomfortable. "Its okay, Im just making sure the baby is okay." 

"Please let me call Slade, please?" 

"Do you know his number?" He asks me pulling out his phone, I nod my head.

"(999)999-9999." I tell him and he puts the phone to my ear, more tears well up in my eyes, I get to talk to him. I hear it ring and ring until he finaly picks up, I feel so happy that I start to sob into the phone. "S-Slade." I manage to push through my sobs, he gasps on the other end before frantically responding.

"Trella? Oh my where are you? Are you safe?" He asks me quickly through the phone.

"Yes, Im okay, Slade Im in California." I choke, we get married in a week and now I dont want to, I dont want to right now. Im too scared and bruised, I just cant Im not ready. 

"Okay, were coming we will be there soon, Im just...Im so glad you okay." His voice cracks dramatically, soon I can hear him sobbing through the phone, it shatters my heart making me sob.

"Dont hang up." I whimper into the phone as the ambumance comes to a stop, he puts it on speaker placing it next to me, the back doors swing open and all three of them grab my board and carry me in.

"I wont. Ive missed you so much." 

"I was only gone a day." The people taking me in stop and look at me with pity, I feel so horrible. 

" were gone, like a week." I turn to the paramedics and they continue to wheel me inside the hospital.

"How was I gone for a week if I dont remember it? We missed our wedding!" I know I didnt want to go yet but I mean its still sad.

"I dont know, where are you right now? Whos phone are you using?"

"Im at a hospital, im using the paramedics phone." They wheel me into another room and they take the phone hanging it up and handing it back to him. "No! No let me talk to him please!" I panic, I feel safe hearing his coive and they just took that away from me! "Please let me talk to him!" They quickly unvelcrow my body and slide me over onto a bed but I wont have it. "Please! Please let me talk to him!" I scream at them, they take out a needle and I panic, I scurry away in the bed but they jab it into my body and I whimper. "No.." I feel so weak, this is torture, they have to obey the patients wishes and they sudated me. I didnt need it, I just wanted to talk to him on the phone, Im so scared!

"Im sorry we just need you calm to asses your wounds." My wounds? I only have swollen marks from the slaps, nothing more. They put a fetal monitor around my stomach, and I hear a small and faint heart beat, my little boy.

"Is...he okay?" My words come across slurred,  I didnt want to be sudated, all I wanted was to call him, I dont feel safe.

"Were doing everything we can." They all scurry around the room and around me doing their tasks, poking me with needles and checking out my face and cleaning out under my fingernails. 

"No please....leave me alone." I whimper feeling my body get weaker, I turn to my right seeing a nurse injecting something into my IV bag. "N-No you cant d-do that." I whimper my eyes flutter shut.


"Shes stable, but Im sorry sir the baby is in distress, we will do everything we can but we have a C-Section sceduled for tomorrow afternoon." A nurse says before leaving my room with a click of the door. My eyes slowly flutter open and my heart clenches, my baby isnt healthy? I turn to face the location she was speaking to see the one and only Slade, hes all bundled up and warm looking with a bouquet of flowers, my wedding bouquet. 

"Trella." He breathes rushing over to me setting them on the table in front of me, he holds me tightly and I sob into him, Ive been so scared! 

Hit after hit, scream after scream Jessica just wont give up, she throws my food down in front of me and leaves the room. Days after days, she beats me, screams at me, over and over leaves me screaming in pain, the baby hadnt moved in either of those days I was there. My uncle beat me as well, he laughed while he did it. I watch as he undresses me and rapes me over and over again, I scream horrifically but he keeps going. My body sore and tired, i try to fight back but he only continues.

Kissing me giving me horrible hickies all over my body. "Please!" I scream trying to keep him away from me, he soon stops and smiles, licking up my face before leaving the room satisfied, I lay there sobbing, my body bare and cold in the freezing room, I sit in a puddle of my own urine. 

I pull away quickly and scream, he did that to me! My own uncle raped me! Oh God! They are the reason that my baby is in distress,  they are doing this to him, I will make him pay I dont care if I have to kill him! "Trella! Whats wrong!" He asks me grabbing my hands tightly, I sob looking down to my stomach cupping it.

"H-He raped me! My uncle raped me!" I scream horrified, holding my belly. "Im sorry baby, Im so sorry!" 

"Trella you will be okay, our son will be okay!"

"No, no he wont be stop lyeing." I whimper letting my head fall back onto my pillow holding my stomach. This is all their faults, Cooper, Jessica and my birth father, its their faults.


Hello! Please COMMENT & vote!! I love you all thank you for the comments!  Ill try to update more today! I love you all thank you!!!

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