Chapter Thirty Five

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"Can you tell us who captured you?" The lawyer asks me, Im up on the stand just like I didnt want to be. My face is horrible bruises and so is my throat. I have hickies all over my body, I feel like a joke. The c-section is today, the baby hasnt shown signs of improvement so I guess today is the day my boy is born.

"My uncle Cooper and my half sister Jessica." I mumble, not wanting to speak louder in case they can hear me. My hands are shaking, terrified to be up here and terrified im going to have surgerie in three hours.

"You half sister as in the sister that was thrown in the dumpster as a new born correct?"

"Yes." I look down to my hands scared and intimidated by all the high ranked governement in the room.

"Where were you captured?" The lawyer strides the room in front of me intimidating me, the California court room is so much better, but the sad thing is, they havent let me see Slade after the hospital, hes not even in the room.

"In Oregon, in an alley."

"Couldnt you have registered the signs that they were going to capture you? Or is it because of your pregnancy hormones that it clouded your judgment?" 

"I object! There is no relavence to her pregnancy!" My laywer stands up quickly pounding his hands on the table.

"Sustained, continue." 

"Your hormones could have blocked your judgement to turn against your father, to resent him, to leave him."

"That-" He cuts me off continuing to poke at my baby.

"Your alittle young to be pregnant arent you?"

"Get back to the topic Mr. Lawrence." The judge finally scolds him, my hands are trembling when all of the sudden a small flutter presses against the top of my stomach, tears quickly form in my eyes, my hands dart to my stomach and I start to cry with happieness. "Ms. Hadley are you okay?" The judge asks me, she doesnt sound one bit interested, she just wants a good intertainment.

"Y-Yes...Im fine." I smile looking down to my stomach, hes okay, hes okay!

"I rest my case, her hormones cloud her judgement to see anything at risk to her, after all she set her house on fire. There was no logical thinking in that." My chest quickly clenches, how did they know about that?

"That has nothing to do with my pregnancy! Its proven that 'pregnancy brain' is fake! My brain functions normally! Ive been through more shit than  you could have ever imagined! I think I would be scared of anything and confused when all my life I was beaten! I was so scared I wouldnt be able to go to school the next day!" I scream and the judge snaps at me.

"That is enough!" She screams at me frighteneinig me even more, I grab my chair and whimper back, I dont care if theyve seen me scared, Im petrified! I look to the jury and they just look at me with pity and disgust, I did nothing wrong! 

"Im a minor I demand my gaurdian in here if I want to answer the remaining of questions."

"Ms. Hadley if you refuse to answer these questions you will be arrested for seventy two hours." The judge tells me.

"You dont know your own laws then, its against the law for a minor to be interogated without their legal gaurdian, and I dont see mine, plus I have a scedualed emergency C-section in an hour, so if you do your killing my son." The judge just glares at me, obviously fed up with me.

"Arrest her." I honestly am shocked that she just did that, if I dont get medical help for my son he will die, and she doesnt care! The police men come up to me and rip me from my seat harshly jamming me down onto the wooden thingy in front of me forcing me to bend over, he cuffs me and yanks me away. 

"This is police brutalitly! I wasnt resisting! Your killing my baby if you dont let me get that C-section! Thats my son!" I scream, the police shove me from the room, my ankle twists from me not being able to catch myself, Slade and his family are sitting on the benches and when I stumble and they see me they dart up, the police shove me harder making one of my heals break. "Ow! Your hurting me!" I scream, one police man trips me but not enough for Slade to see and I fall hard onto my stomach and I scream, my boy! Oh my god! 

"Get up!" They scream, they rip me up again harder, the police man to my right, the one that didnt trip me thinks I was resisting and threatens his tazer. 

"Oh God! Slade!" I scream, he was already one step ahead of me right in front of us stopping the police men.

"How dare you! Shes pregnant and you tripped her not helping her! She fell on our son!" The police man to my right uses his tazer on Slade and I scream watching the pins and slinky dart out jabbing into Slades chest making him fall to the ground shaking. 

"Slade!" I scream and the police men drag me out into their car throwing me in, my shins hitting hard onto the side of their car bruising them terribly. 

"Trella!" I hear Slades older brother scream after me, he runs up to the police showing him his badge, hes in his army uniform still.

"Im general Ericson, you were showing police bruitality and I order you to back down."

"You cant tell us what to do!" They snarl closing my door and hopping into the car and driving off, after all my baby is been through he has to be dead now. He for certain is!

My hands are killing me with how tight the hand cuffs are on my arms, my arms are so tightly pulled back I feel like my shoulders are going to pop out of their sockets. My stomach is killing me from that hard fall, tears pour down my face, why does this keep happening to me?

They pull up to the police station but they dont unload me, all they do is open my door and hold me at gun point. "Bye, bye bitch."


Whoa....Hey guys! Sorry its been so long! Please COMMENT and vote your thoughts, feelings, etc. I love you all I love all the reads and votes, mostly the commetns! I love you guys keep up the marvelous work!

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