Ch 3 - Greece and Amy

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author's note - to people who actually know greek mythology i am so fucking sorry bc 14 year old alli did Not

Greece and Amy



"What do you mean no?"

"I mean no. I'm not going with you." I cross my arms. The Doctor stares at me dumbfounded.

"But- but why?" He asks confused.

"Because I have a life out here, and I'm not gonna ditch it for some weird tweedy man I just met. Also, I'm starting college in the fall, so I don't want to miss that."

"Did you not hear about the part where it travels in time?" He points out.

"Yes, I did. And you know what else I heard?" I stand up out of my chair and stride over to him. "That Amy or Amelia fellow. You promised her five minutes and you give her ten years. I'm not gonna come home thinking only a minute had passed by to find out my parents are 80 and in the ground." He stares at me with wide eyes. "You also said it was very dangerous, and even though I'm all up for an adventure, I don't think I like the idea of me disappearing forever and having my parents worry about what happened to me when I'm dead 300 years in the past in a different galaxy."

He stares at me for a moment. "I'm not used to this response."

"I'm sure your not."

"Uhm," he stammers, looking around for an excuse to make me say yes. "What about your nightmares?"

I wave my hand. "I've dealt with them for 15 years, I can deal with another."

He stares at me. "So it's a no?"

"An absolute no."

"No way to change your mind?"

"That is correct."

"Well," he pauses looking at the door. "You're really gonna hate me now."

"What are you..." but then things start to click together in my brain. "No..."


"But after I said-"

"I moved before you gave an answer!"

"So you thought I would say yes? Do you bring girls in this murder box and trick them to coming with you and potentially dying? You thought I would say yes to that?!"

"Well, usually they do say yes. Although, there was this one time where someone said no, but a year later we ended up catching up and she traveled with me for some time." He sighs. "Lovely Donna. Shame to see her go."

I eyed him. "What happened to her?"

He avoids my gaze. "She got a Time Lord mind and almost got her mind burnt up so I had to erase her memory of me and bring her back home to never ever talk to again because if she did, her mind would explode and she would die." He takes a deep breath and weakly smiles at me. "But, that was the past. Different man back then. Busy busy me. Let's go see what's out these doors!" He bounces away to the doors and exits.

"Doctor!" I scream. "Doctor, bring me back home right now!"

He pokes his head back in. "Can't do that."

"And why not?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Because it's Greece! We're in Greece, Haydie!" He exclaims, shutting the door in my face. I groan and walk out the door but jump at the sight in front of me.

"I'm never going to get used to this," I mutter to myself as I stare at the foreign landscape. We're in front of a street and on the other side seems to be a marketplace. People are hustling and bustling around, and beyond that are mountains and valleys. The Doctor looks at me quickly and grins.

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