Ch 17 - Colours and Starry Nights

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Colours and Starry Nights

I feel a dip in the bed from either side of me followed by a grunt. I slowly open my eyes but close them when I see the Doctor standing over me, playing with the ceiling. I'm still really mad at him, so I'll give him the silent treatment until he comes clean.

There's a clank and he hisses in pain, but quickly dismisses it. The dips in my bed disappear and I hear him step onto my floor. He kisses my forehead, which makes me give out an involuntary sigh and he chuckles.

He steps away, but I don't hear him leave. Instead, I hear the beginning notes of a soft melody on the piano play, but disappear as quickly as it came. I think he opens my wardrobe but quickly shuts it with an "oh." I don't want to know what he saw in there.

There's a soft thump and for a while, no more noises except for our synchronized breathing. I decide it's safe to open my eyes.

I lightly gasp as I look at my room. Glow in the dark stars are taped onto the ceiling, along with some paper star mobiles hanging from strings. I look around and see the whole ceiling is decorated that way. Some more glow in the dark stickers represent galaxies and nebulae and other beautiful space anomalies. It illuminates my room just enough to see.

I notice that my room has been rearranged. My bed is now next to the wall parallel to the outside door with it up against the wall on its side. The nightstand is to the left with a small lamp and a vase of tiger lilies on it, and next to that is my piano. There's an added bookcase near the end of my bed with my wardrobe right beside it. And to top it all off, there's the Doctor laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

I stare at him for a bit. He has his arms and legs spread out like a starfish, and he's doing nothing but looking at the star mobiles twirling in the air. He either doesn't know I'm awake, or refuses to acknowledge my presence.

Seeing him laying there and and knowing he did all of this for me makes me forgive him a bit. A tiny little bit. I won't give him the silent treatment, but I'll still be pissed at him.

He hasn't moved for some time now and I furrow my brow in confusion. I grab one of my pillows and throw it at him. It lands on his stomach with a thud; he doesn't even flinch.

I scoot towards the edge of my bed. "Are you dead?" I whisper to him. A smile curls up on his lips and I sigh in relief. "Oh, good. I thought you died from exhaustion or something."

He halfheartedly laughs. "No, I'm just tired," he assures me.

"How long did it take you to do… this?" I look up at the ceiling.

"All night," he yawns and my eyes bug out of my head.

"Why?" I ask him. "Why do all this?" He sighs in response.

I lay my head back on my pillow and stare at my ceiling like he was doing. I hear a soft snore and I look back to see that the Doctor fell asleep on the floor. I throw my other pillow at him.

"Huh? What?" He mumbles and stretches.

"I thought you said that you could sleep less than humans. Why are you so tired?" I ask him.

"I haven't slept since the penguin dream," he rubs his eye.

"Penguin dream?"

"The one when you woke up and yelled 'penguins'. Kind of ruined the mood," he reminds me.

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