Ch 6 - Home and Teddy Bears

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Home and Teddy Bears

"This isn't goodbye, right?" Amy asks as she hugs me. I nod and smile.

"Nah, I just need a little break. Last night was just… too much." The Doctor filled her in on what happened before we dropped Insect Man off at his home planet. Also, I just didn't want to speak of it. I acted like it didn't bother me, but the fear of death and the betrayal hit me the wrong way. If the TARDIS didn't notify the Doctor of my absence and he didn't make it in time, I would've been drowning in the Atlantic over a hundred years ago.

"We'll come back for you soon. Just not right now. How about in five minutes?" She says and I laugh.

"Five minutes it is," I smile. I probably won't be seeing them in a couple days now.

I walk over to the Doctor who only smiles at me. I hug him, causing him to jump, but he hugs back.

"Thank you for saving my life," I whisper to him. He only nods.

"Have you been having any nightmares?" He asks suddenly. I think he totally forgot about them until now.

"Yeah, but they were the same ones I've been having for 14 years. Creepy betrayal man is back," I sigh and he shrugs.

"Be brave," he kisses the top of my forehead and let's go of me. I leave the TARDIS with only a wave, knowing I was going to see them again soon. I turn around and watch the TARDIS fade away. My mouth drops open. So that's what happens when it leaves.

I look up at the sky. The sun still looks like to be in the middle of the sky, so not much time has passed since the end of my session with Dr. Smith. I'm probably running around the city with the him right now. I smile at the memory.

I walk down three blocks until I find my apartment building. I go inside, run up two flights of stairs and walk in front of apartment 3-J. I hesitantly open the door to see my mom at the table doing the crossword. She looks up at me with a smile.

"Hi honey! Your father is still working," she informs me. "You're home early. How was your appointment?"

"Oh mom!" I gasp and hug her. She's surprised but hugs me back.

"Hey now, what's the occasion?" She laughs. I pull away.

"Nothing, it's just… nothing." I smile and she smiles back, albeit confused. I walk down the short hallway and into my room. I shut the door and lean against it with my eyes closed. It feels so weird to be back home.


I scream and throw the closest thing near me - which is a book on my dresser - at the voice. The man simply ducks under the object as it lands on my bed.

"Eh, spitfire! What was that for?" The Doctor scolds with a pout.

"You scared me!" I put a hand over my heart. "I thought you were an intruder!"

"Now why would I be an intruder?" He crosses his arms. "Do I look like I just bounce into people's houses on my free time?"

"Well here you are now. In my house. Intruding!" I huff.

"Technically, it's a flat-"

"Honey?" My mom knocks on the door, interrupting the Doctor. He's is lucky that she did, because I was about to punch him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine!" I assure her. "Just… saw a spider s'all." I hear her footsteps echo away.

"You're afraid of spiders?" The Doctor raises a brow.

nightmares ~ doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now