Ch 19 - Dreams and Fairy Tales

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remember that the italics and bolds are there for a reason. if you've seen the episode, you'll know why.


Dreams and Fairy Tales

I stare at the pile of the Doctor's remains, the sobs still raking through my body. I can't believe he's really gone. I can't believe such a small mistake could end him. I can't believe he just disappeared right in front of me.

I can't believe that I love him.

A thought passes through my mind and I stand up, wiping the tears from my face and grinning like nothing happened. Amy and Rory stare at me like I'm crazy.

"This is the dream," I tell them.

"Hayden," Rory says gently. "I know you're upset, but that doesn't prove that-"

"No, Rory, shut up," I interrupt him. "This is the dream."

"How can you tell?" Amy asks, tears still running down her face.

"Think about it," I say and start pacing around the room. "This whole universe is just crazy. First of all, Amy wouldn't just leave the Doc- the TARDIS unless she had to. Of course she still loves you Rory, but she wouldn't just leave her TARDIS life. She would probably only leave if you had to because she loves you so much."

"But what-"

"And the Eknodines," I interrupt. I'm on a roll. "Dreamy was right. The whole idea of the evil elderly ladies is just absurd. And why come here? Why come to Upper Leadworth of all places, let alone Earth. I bet they live billions of light years away. If they really were kicked out of their planet by neighbors, they wouldn't travel so far. They would travel as close to their home planet as they could, so they can start anew while still keeping tabs on their own planet. They might even start a plan to take it back, but they wouldn't do this. They wouldn't go away to some random ass planet so far away from home in the most boring town in the whole universe. It just wouldn't make any sense!" I turn to them and throw up my arms.

"So what are you saying we should do?" Amy asks, believing me a little.

"We need to die," I say seriously.

"What?" They ask at the same time.

"To wake up in the other world, we need to die. Dreamy wouldn't just let us back now to see if the Doctor is okay, that'll be cheating. No, we need to die."

"And what if this isn't the dream?" Rory asks. "What then?"

"We die," I scoff. "Seriously, it's not so hard to understand."

"You're just saying this because you're heart broken," Rory says, not believing me as much as Amy does.

"No, I'm saying this because I'm correct," I point at him. "Also, I'm not that petty. If I do that, I might be romanticizing suicide, which is not okay."

"If you aren't romanticizing suicide, then what are you doing?" Rory scoffs.

"I'm waking up," I say and grin. "Going back to our world. The right world. Now let's go!" I clear away the stuff in front of the door and quickly rush down the stairs, hearing hesitant footsteps behind me. I run outside and look around.

"Why aren't they attacking?" Amy asks, talking about the elderly staring at us.

"They probably know what we're doing," I nod. "See? Dream world."

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