Ch 32 - Weddings and Endings

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Sorry for the late update! I had spotty internet connection and a very busy few days. I hope this chapter will make up for it, seeing as it's the last one and all. It hasn't been edited yet bc I really felt bad for delaying this and wanted to give it to you ASAP

So here we go. The last chapter. How you enjoy.


Weddings and Endings

"Where are we going?"

"To the costume room."

"But we aren't dressed yet."

"That's why we're going to the costume room," I roll my eyes. I turn around and walk backwards so I can grin at the Doctor as he awkwardly shuffles behind me.

"We're going the wrong way," he says and I shake my head.

"Nah, we're good," I tell him right before he rushes over and catches me from falling down the stairs. "What-"

"We're in the console room."

"Wow, I was way off," I laugh and straighten myself up. "Sorry, TARDIS!" She hums as we walk back into the corridors. "But seriously, we need to go."

"Why?" He groans as I roll my eyes

"Just come on!" I grab his hand to drag him away.

"Why do I have to go?" He whines. "I already have all the clothes I need back in my room."

"Because you're going to help me pick out clothes," I tell him as we walk down further.

"But I don't even know what you like!"

"Neither do I," I say and roll my eyes as I search for the right door. "I need assistance."


"Shush," I tell him and smile at his offended expression. I finally find the right room and walk in. The vast immense of clothes never cease to amaze me. "Now, where to start…"

"How about-"

"You go over there and I'll go here," I order as I flip through the racks.


"Just do as I say and you'll get a prize," I wink and walk through the clothes.

After an hour of searching - and some play time - I finally got my outfit ready. I check myself out in the mirror, smiling at what I see. I feel rather muscular but it doesn't show that much. I'm a bit curvy and short which make my boobs look a bit too big, but I'll manage. My new blonde hair is shoulder length and wavy and I'm wearing a fitting green dress made out of a unique doily pattern; it makes my ass look amazing. I'm also wearing black heels which does nothing on my height against the Doctor.

"Now why'd you make us wear this?" He asks as he ties his white bowtie. I forced him to wear the suit he wore when he brought me to the Singing Towers of Darillium. I smile up at him as I put his top hat on his head.

"Because you look dapper in it," I say and quickly peck his lips. "Now let's go. We're going to be late."

"Late for what?" He asks as I step away. I grab my emergency purse that actually matches really well with this outfit.

"To the Pond's wedding, stupid," I roll my eyes and his widen.


"Butt," I point to my own and sighs. "Let's go."

I grin as I drag him into the console room, helping him fly us to the place where Amy and Rory's reception is being held. The Doctor looks at me in confusion.

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