Ch 8 - Angels and Accidents

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Sorry for the sight delay! my nieces were here so… anyways, here it is!


Angels and Accidents

River and the Doctor bounce around the console, trying their best to follow the ship. The TARDIS is shaking hard but they don't seem to notice.

"Do you know what's going on?" I whisper to Amy. We're both sitting on the seat connected to the railing while watching the two strange people bicker.

"I have no idea." She whispers back.

"They've gone into warp drive," River shouts at him. "We're losing them. Stay close."

"I'm trying!" He huffs.

"Use the stabilisers."

"There aren't any stabilisers!"

"The blue switches," River points to them.

"Oh, those? The blue ones don't do anything. They're just blue."

"Yes, they're blue. They're the blue stabilisers!" She presses them and the TARDIS immediately stops shaking. "See?" Amy and I stand up to test the stability. It feels like we've landed, not flying.

"Yeah, well, it's just boring now, isn't it? They're boring-ers. They're blue boring-ers." He violently points at them and I roll my eyes.

"How can she fly the TARDIS?" Amy asks. "I thought only you could do that."

"You call that flying the TARDIS?" He huffs. "HA!" River ignores him.

"Okay, I've mapped the probability vectors, done a fold-back on the temporal isometry, charted the ship to its destination, and parked us right along side."

"Oh god there's two of them," I groan and sit back down. Amy snickers.

"Parked us?" The Doctor stares at her. "We haven't landed."

"Of course we've landed. I just landed her," River says smugly.

"But- but it didn't make the noise."

"What noise?"

"You know." He imitates the wheezing whooshing sound of the TARDIS landing. "That noise."

"It's not supposed to make that sound. You leave the breaks on," River scolds him.

"Yeah, well, it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise."

"It is quite nice," I chime in and he dramatically gestures at me.

"Yes, see? It's a nice noise." The Doctor speaks triumphantly while River looks at me confused. "Come along, Pond and friends. Let's have a look."

"Wait!" River stops him. "Environment checks!"

"Oh yes, sorry. Quite right. Environment checks," he strolls to the doors and opens them. "It's nice out." River ignores him and looks at the monitor.

"We're somewhere in the Garn belt. There's an atmosphere. Early indicacions suggest-"

"We're on Alfava Metraxis, the seventh planet of the Dundra System. Oxygen rich atmosphere, eleven hour day, and-" the Doctor sticks his head out and sniffs, "chances of rain later." He walks over and sits next to me. He smiles but I roll my eyes. I realize he can't see me though because I'm still wearing my sunglasses.

"He thinks he's so hot when he does that," River mutters to Amy and she giggles.

"How come you can fly the TARDIS?" I ask her. She looks at me with the confused expression back on her face.

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