Epilogue - Love and the Future

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This is set sometime after the Christmas special Last Christmas. This originally had Danny in it seeing as I wrote it back in October but then he died so now he's gone in both realities. Oh well.


Love and the Future

I stare at my reflection in the dusty mirror, my fingers twitching and playing with one another. Clara is behind me, trying to create my hair into an intricate bun. She tugs a bit too hard and I wince.

"Ah, sorry. Was that too hard?" She asks. I look through the mirror to see that she took a step back and put her hands up in the air. She has pins sticking out of her mouth so her hands can be free.

"It's fine," I chuckle. She immediately puts her fingers back into my hair.

"I'm still surprised that you're going through with this," I hear her mumble.

"You know how I feel about your humany traditions."

"Yeah, but I also know how he feels about them," she rolls her eyes and I smile. "He's so..."

"Scottish?" I suggest and she laughs.

"Exactly," she nods as she takes a pin out of her mouth to apply in my hair.

Convincing the Doctor to go through with this wedding was tough. He was so sure that the whole "our love was enough" thing and other bullshit like that would make up for it. He kept on trying to use the ring as an excuse, so I threatened to throw it away. I think that's what got it.

I go to fiddle with said ring but I realize it's not there. I sigh as remember the other thing that made him agree to it - it's the ring with which I get married with.

I remember when I first confronted him about it; he wasn't that surprised that I had it but was shocked by my bluntness. I knew of its cause, of course, but I didn't know his backstory. The ring is a special one from Gallifrey, basically a symbol of eternal love. Because time lords have soul mates, they don't need rituals for showing their love because they already know they'll love each other forever and will never part. He told me he bought it after his wife found her soul mate - they were childhood best friends and had a pact that if they couldn't find their soul mate by a certain age that they'd get married. He was sad when she left but he understood, but that doesn't mean he didn't lash out. He decided to run away, bringing his granddaughter with him. He vowed that he'd keep the ring for the day that comes when he found his soul mate he could give it to her. It took him a couple centuries, but it worked out for the better.

"Are you sure that you don't want to invite any more guests?" She asks after a bit of silence.

"My wedding is in a half hour!" I laugh.

"Yeah, but, y'know... time machine?" She suggests lamely but I shake my head.

"We don't really have a lot of... people to invite. Not anyone close, really," I sigh as I stare at a picture on my dresser. It's of Amy and Rory on their wedding day, and if you look closely you can see the Doctor in his past form doing his infamous drunk giraffe.

My eyes well up a bit but I push them back. I truly do miss the Ponds. The Doctor was devastated when the Angels took them away. It was hard on all of us, seeing as they were my best friends and River's parents (spoilers!), but it affected him the most. He explained it to me one day as them being seared onto his hearts. Amy was the first face his saw and Rory just sort of tagged along as usual and it impacted him on a large scale. He didn't have to explain it much because I understood. Even if we weren't soul mates I knew that the Doctor was seared onto my hearts the moment I opened my eyes and saw him on that Dalek ship.

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