Ch 5 - Encounters and Titanic

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Encounters and Titanic

I sip my iced coffee as I watched the Doctor prance around the console. Amy is leaning against the railing next to me, nibbling on a doughnut. I made him stop at Dunkin Donuts this morning but I only think he agreed as an apology for me waking up in his bed. Apology well accepted, I smile as I munch into a bagel.

"So!" The Doctor yells and almost makes Amy drop her iced tea. "We promised good ol' Haydie a trip somewhere before we send her back home. Well, if she goes back home," he winks at me and I roll my eyes. Amy chuckles. "I think it's reasonable that if this is Haydie's 'last' trip, then she gets to choose where to go. So, what do you say?" They both stare at me.

"Whaa?" I mumble through a mouth full of hashbrowns.

"Trip. You choose. Where are we going today?" He looks at me and leans forwards. I swallow with an audible gulp.

"I dunno… uhm… the Titanic?" I suggest uncertainly.

"Why do you want to go there?" Amy asks as the Doctor furrows his brow.

"I don't know. I've always wanted to go on it and explore the ship. And I loved the movie, but I know we won't meet Rose and Jack because they don't exist. Or do they?" I gasp in mock surprise to bug the Doctor. He rolls his eyes on annoyance while Amy chuckles.

"Okay yeah fine. Titanic it is. Kind of boring but whatever," he mumbles.

"How is the Titanic boring?" Amy asks while sipping her drink.

"I was kind of hoping you'll say a planet or something. Hey! Maybe our next trip can be a planet!" He brightens up and so does Amy. "But for now, Earth," he shrugs as he flips a switch and hits a random bell. The TARDIS starts to shake as we start to fly.

"My doughnut!" Amy yells as it falls to the floor.

Soon the shaking stops and everyone freezes. A smile spreads across my face and I run towards the door but I stop.

"Should we get changed? I don't think my outfit works well with this decade," I explain as I gesture to my grey v-neck, green jacket, ripped skinny jeans and black converse. The Doctor waves his hand around.

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll be fine. The only time you should change your outfit is if it can kill you. For now, just enjoy it," he smiles.

I'm not sure how to take that, so I smile back and open the door. The smell of the Atlantic hits my nose and the shouting of people bustling around and boarding the ship fills my ears. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see the Doctor.

"1912," he starts to explain. "The rich and the poor gather around to board the so-called unsinkable ship. 3,300 people will be on that ship when it goes, including the crew, captain, etc., but only 706 will reach land at the end of it all. In four days, the beauty will sink, and tragedy will spread across the world." He looks at the ship in front of us with an unreadable expression and I sigh.

"That's so sad," Amy notes and I nod. "All these people, so happy and full of life, and it's all gonna end in a matter of days." We all stare at the ship. "Can you do anything to stop it?"

"No," the Doctor answers sadly. "It's a fixed point in time. If I do anything, it'll blow a hole in the universe."

"I don't know what that means," I whisper and the Doctor faintly smiles.

"Well, we should probably get going!" He abruptly shouts as he holds our hands to walk us forward. "I've been here before in the past, and I don't want me to find… me. Now that might blow a hole in the universe. Maybe," he chuckles and Amy and I look at each other with confused expressions. Suddenly, the Doctor gasps. "Hide!" He yells.

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