Ch 16 - Museums and Visions

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Museums and Visions

I wake up to find the Doctor perched on his chair staring at me intently. When he notices that my eyes are open, he sighs heavily.

"About time!" He huffs and stands up.

"What?" I ask groggily and rub my eyes.

"You've been sleeping for three hours while I couldn't even close my eyes. It was getting kind of boring just watching you and waiting. I was this close to knocking myself out as well." He takes something out of the medical cabinet and walks towards me. "Open your mouth and say 'ahh.'"

"Ahhh?" I ask confused and he shoves a stick and flashlight down my throat. "Ahhh!"

"Okay, less swelling, but a little tearing, probably from the intense vomiting." He takes the stuff out of my mouth but sticks his stethoscope on my neck. "Hmm, good," he mumbles then licks my forehead. "Ooo, not as good."

"What the hell are you doing?" I swat him away.

"Medical examination," he says simply and pops a candy in my mouth. "Ask me for another tomorrow if you're not feeling well."

"What is it?" I ask. It tastes like mint and grape.

"Stabilizer, just in case you're still a little ill." He stands up and throws clothes at my face. "Get dressed."

"What?" I ask overwhelmed, but he leaves the infirmary and slams the door without an explanation. I sigh as I put on the outfit he gave me along with my daily jacket. I check to see if the ring is still there, and I sigh in relief when I see that it is. I lace up my boots and walk out the door, but scream as the Doctor pops up suddenly in front of me.

"Shhhh," he hushes me. "Okay, good time to go! Wait, shhh." He grabs my hand and drags me down the hall.

"What are you-"


"No, seriously-"


"Doctor!" I yell and he stops and turns around me.

"Shh," he puts his finger over his lips and winks at me. I groan as he starts running again.

"What are you doing?" I whisper to him when we reach the console room. He guides me towards the jump seat and sets the TARDIS in flight.

"I promised you something," he says in a regular voice and winces as the TARDIS let's out a groan. "Should probably fix that soon."

"You promised me what?" I ask him. I stand up but he quickly sits me back down.

"You have bad memory," he jokes and flips a switch with extra flair.

"Well that was kind of rude," I mumble but he only laughs. The TARDIS stops suddenly and he looks up at me.

"Let's go!" He yells and runs towards the doors.

"But where are we?" I ask and walk after him.

"Come on!" He yells and drags me out of the box when I'm in arms reach. I gasp as I look at the building in front of me.

"Museé d'Orsay," I say breathlessly and he grins. I look up at him. "Vincent Van Gogh!"

"Now you're getting it," he winks and grabs my hand. "Let's go. The inside is more interesting than the outside." We walk into the museum together and I can't help but jump a little with excitement.

"Why are you only bringing me? What about Amy and Rory?" I ask him.

"I wanted it to be the two of us. Kind of like a little… special alone time… thing…"

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