Ch 24 - Surprises and oH FU-

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squad goals #1: 11, river, amy, rory
squad goals #2: 9, rose, jack, mickey



Surprises and oH FU-
yes that's the real title

"What should I tell Doctor #1?"

"Don't tell him anything, that was the first time- can you hand me my bowtie?"

"Oh, really? Wow. And no, I'm not going to."

"Ugh, why are you so difficult?"

"Man, you sleep with a girl and you immediately insult her."


"Can you hand me my jacket?"

"No, I am not going to!"

"I take back my 'I love you.'"


I laugh as I hop around to put on my jeans. Apparently the Doctor accidentally landed the TARDIS at my house last night, so we had to hurry up to get ready before my parents noticed. What a way to ruin a good morning.

"Hey, what about the 'I love you' thing?" I furrow my brow. "That was the first time I said it. Did I say it to Doctor #1 yet?"

"Uh, you did, yeah," he nods as he searches for his suspenders.

"Should I wait for you to say it first?"

"Uh…" he furrows his brow. He then smirks, making me feel a little worried. "Nah, just say it whenever. I ended up waiting for you because I was too afraid."

"You were afraid?" I scoff. "You just saw my boobs. There's nothing to be afraid of now."

"Well past me doesn't know that!" He hisses and I laugh. "But yeah, just say it whenever you feel it's right."

"Wow, we're talking about me confessing my love to you and we're acting like we're figuring out when's the best time to show my parents my report card," I snort.

"I'm kind of busy worrying about your mother killing me to think about that," he huffs.

"My mom wouldn't kill you," I laugh but then I pause. "No, she would. You have the right to worry." He groans and I snicker.

"You ready?" He asks as he puts on his jacket.

"Think so," I say as I lace up my boots. "Okay, let's go."

We hurry past the halls and corridors, almost tripping on discarded clothing from last night. When we reach the console room, the Doctor picks up David and I pick up Matt. We run out of the TARDIS just as my mom and dad walk in through the front door. They stare at us in shock and we do the same.

"Shit," I mumble and turn towards the Doctor. "Really? The living room?"

"I was kind of too busy kissing you to notice!" He huffs.

"Wait, what?!" My mom screeches. "Why are you kissing this man? You just met him yesterday!"

"It's only been a day for you?" I gape. "Wow, time flies fast when your… traveling through time. Yeah, that was supposed to mean something."

"What do you mean 'traveling through time'?" My mom yells.

"Haydster, what's going on?" My dad asks.

"Haydster," the Doctor snorts.

"Not now," I swat him.

"Hayden!" My mom screeches.

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