Ch 29 - Unleash

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I reach up as high as I can to place the final stars on the ceiling. It was hard to remake the paper mobiles, definitely since they're now made out of construction paper. Also, the ceiling is higher than the rooms in the TARDIS.

I place the last vase on the bookshelf and take a step back as I  look over my handiwork. Vases full of sunflowers and tiger lilies are everywhere and the stars hanging from the ceiling look like the ones that I made when we were at Vincent's. I bought a giant stuffed animal fox which I dubbed Scribbles. A copy of the paintings that Vincent drew of us are hanging on the wall beside her bed.

I hear the door open but I don't have time to react when someone hits me in the arm. I fall down to the ground, pain erupting all over the target. I look up to see a hysterical Haydie.

"What the hell?!" She yells at me. I groan and give her a pained expression.

"You give the warmest welcomes," I wince as I stand up. I grab my sonic using my good hand and scan my arm. "You didn't break it, just bruised."

"Damn, should probably try again," she grunts as she brings the metal bat back, but I hold my hands up to stop her.

"Whoa! Calm down, spitfire!" I yell at her, getting worried about my safety.

"Why the hell are you…" she trails off as she looks around her room. I sigh in relief as the bat leaves her hand and falls to the ground. Did I really make her this mad? "What…"

"An apology for keeping secrets from you," I tell her before she starts swinging her stick again.


"I was meaning to do this for a while, but I didn't have time."


"Yes, I'm the future Doctor."


"By the way, don't show past me this."


"The fox's name is Scribbles."


"Where'd your shirt go?" I ask, eyeing her bra. I didn't get the chance to figure out why last time.

"Okay, shut up," she puts her hands up and closes her eyes. "I'm supposed to be mad at you."

"I guess I should be mad at you too, seeing as you hit me with a metal stick," I pout and craddle my wounded arm.

She stares at me, her eyes moving across my figure. "I'm not sure whether to slap you or kiss you."

My eyes widen and my hearts flutter. I didn't notice how much I missed her lips. "I think those are both reasonable reactions…"

She groans and practically falls on her bed. She scoots over to Scribbles and hugs him. "I hate you."

"No you don't," I sigh and sit on her bed. Although I know she didn't mean it, it still causes me a jab of pain.

"So…" Haydie mutters after some silence. "Soulmates…"


"Why didn't you tell me?" She looks up at me and I furrow my brow.

"It wasn't really something I could just blurt out to someone," I huff. "I didn't even know if you liked me or not."

"Still…" she mumbles. I roll my eyes, but a small chuckle breaks through. "You can't expect me to be okay with this."

"Well, I do. Can't say the same about past me," I say right when I hear myself open the door. I remember my horror at seeing my best tweed jacket in the bin.

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