Ch 15 - Corridors and Gardens

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this chapter is kind of short and weird but I love it like I had so much fun writing it and ahh I just love it! enjoy


Corridors and Gardens

"This place is giving me a headache," I complain and glare at the brightness of the infirmary. I tug at the needles in my arm, but the Doctor stops me. "It hurts," I whine and he sighs.

"Something got stuck in your system when we stayed over at Craig's - probably from the spaceship upstairs. The TARDIS can't detect what it is, so you have to stay in here until she figures it out or until it goes away. Either way, it's going to take a while," he explains as he pushes the bangs out of my face.

"I don't like it here," I pout. "I thought I was fine. Rory is a horrible doctor." I gag and the Doctor places a bucket in front of my face right before I barf.

"Rory isn't a doctor, he's a nurse. He was obviously going to miss something." He grabs a tissue and wipes my mouth and I scowl. "And he has no experience in alien diseases, so there was a very small chance he would've caught on to this."

"I'm not a child, you know," I huff as he throws the tissue away. My stomach growls. "I'm hungry."

"Of course you're hungry. You just threw up a whole day's worth of food," he says right before I barf into the bucket again. "Plus snacks."

"Shut up," I mumble and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. The Doctor grimaces and wipes it clean. "I don't need your mockery, I need some food."

"You'll just puke it up again-"

"I'll puke it up on you if you don't hurry up," I snarl but gasp. "Ooo, that was rude. I'm being very rude. I don't like being rude. I'm sorry." My eyes well up with tears but the Doctor sighs and shakes his head.

"Mood swings either from the illness or medication…" He mumbles and jots it down on a notepad. I sniffle and rub the tears away. "I don't think I should leave you alone."

"Why not?"

"The medicine you're on is pretty strong and you're already acting pretty weird from it and-"


"Okay, fine! I'll get you some food," he grumbles and stands up.

"Finally," I mutter and he rolls his eyes.

As he leaves, I sing out a quick thank you! as I hear his footsteps echo away. When they disappear completely, I pull the three needles out of my flesh.

"Mother fucker!" I yell as pain shoots up my arms. I try to shake it off as I grab my puke bucket and walk out of the infirmary. I'm wearing one of those hospital gowns and my underwear because I vomited on my clothes and was forced to change.

"I'm going on an adventure!" I sing and skip down the corridor but pause. "Holy shit, what did he put in my IV?"

I reach a dark wooden door and open it to see a rather messy bedroom. It has the same set up as the rest of the bedrooms, but has bunk beds instead. I see a Scottish flag hung up on the wall, and you can tell its been torn down many times by the ripped corners. I giggle as I close the doors to what I'm guessing to be Amy and Rory's room and continue on with my journey.

"Red door!" I shout. I reach out to push it, but it opens on its own. "Automatic. Fancy fancy." I step inside and see a flat screen TV with multiple game stations and a couple couches in front of it. A computer sits in the corner and a stereo is placed next to a bookcase filled with board games. "Oh my god," I laugh as I grab Skippo and turn on the stereo. Can't Touch This blares out and I giggle as I dance along to it, but I'm stopped when I have to puke again. "Okay, time to go," I mumble and place the board game on a couch as I leave the room.

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