Ch 10 - Pain and the In-laws

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my double update turned into an early update bc thanksgiving but still another one tomorrow.



Pain and the In-Laws

"I want to go home."

Our heads snap towards Amy. The Doctor looks surprised and glum.

"Okay," he mutters. Amy swats his arm.

"No not like that," she rolls her eyes, "I just, I just want to show you something. You're running from River, I'm running too." The Doctor nods and pushes some buttons as the TARDIS takes off. I walk up to Amy.

"Is this about-"

"Yeah," she whispers back. "Surprised you didn't mention it before."

"I thought he already knew," I shrug.

The TARDIS stops shaking and we all pile out into Amy's room. I notice the crack on her wall is gone. We all sit down on her bed.

"Well?" The Doctor asks, looking around. Amy points to the wedding gown hanging on the door. "Well."



"I know," Amy sighs. "This is the same night we left, yeah?"

"Five minutes after we picked up Haydie," he nods. Amy gets a box from her nightstand and opens it. Inside is an engagement ring.

"Why did you leave it here?" He asks.

"Why did I leave my engagement ring when I ran away with a strange man the night before my wedding?"


I slap my forehead. I stand up and look at the pictures on the walls again. I'm still surprised by how much the Doctor made an impact on Amy's life.

I find the TARDIS replica again and pretend to fly it like I did last time. I bring it into the actual TARDIS to remind myself to show the Doctor later.

When I step out of the TARDIS, I see Amy and the Doctor kissing.

I fall to the ground, pain circulating throughout my entire body. I open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. My pendant shakes and sends pulses of pain throughout my body. Tears streams down my face as I wither around on the floor.

"No!" The Doctor yells at Amy and pushes her away. "You're getting married in the morning!"

"Well, the morning's a long time away. What are we going to do about that?" She asks seductively and another blast of pain rockets through my body.

"Amy, Haydie is right-" he pauses as he sees me on the ground. "Hayden!" His voice is full of worry and pain as he rushes over to me.

"Doctor," I gasp and squeeze my eyes shut. He tries to hold me but he screams in agony and scoots backwards.

"Amy, what did you do?" He shouts at her.

"Me?!" She yells and the sound of her voice makes me growl.

"Hayden," the Doctor tries to speak to me over my pain. "Hayden, it's okay, it's alright. Nothing happened." I breathe out and the pain decreases a little but flares up again when the image of Amy kissing him flashes through my mind. "Hayden, hold my hand." He brings out his hand and I instantly grab it. He gasps and slumps to the floor but doesn't let go.

"Doctor?" Amy asks, concern laced in her voice. It makes me growl and arch my back with pain. The Doctor winces.

"Amy, can you please kindly shut up?" He says through clenched teeth. His anger towards her makes the pain dim a bit and he sighs.

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