Ch 31 - Alive and Refreshers

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Alive and Refreshers

The pain continues as I start to change. I feel my clothes getting looser and tighter in some places. The hot burning sensation in my chest divides into two flames of fire. Luckily, the pain weakens and my screaming subsides. I give out a little gasp as it ends and I fall limp on the ground. I breathe deeply as my head pounds with long forgotten memories.

I'm back.


My eyes shoot open and I look back at the Doctor. He stares at me in wonder and I can't help but do the same. The Doctor. He's here. He found me. And he's hot.

"Doctor," I whisper, eyes widening.

I grin and quickly stand up which causes him to fall on his back. I take a couple steps forward, but realize I'm still a little woozy from the transformation. Not only did I regenerate, but I also turned back into a Time Lord. That can really drain you.

I start to fall but I feel strong arms supporting me. I almost purr at the contact. Keep it together, dammit!


"Shut up," I tell him and push him away, wanting to do this on my own. It's been a while since I've last regenerated and I actually missed the feeling. "Ooo, new voice. I like it! It's sort of... sexy." I twirl around to give him a hopefully alluring look.

"Hello," he stutters, still looking shocked but with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Hi," I grin. I inspect my jacket with a sigh. "Nah, not feeling it." I rip it off, but not before quickly stuffing the ring box into my bra. He catches it in a confused daze.

"Uh, sweetie-"

"Ew, no, I don't like that," I grimace. "Don't you call whatever her name is that? Ocean?"


"Yeah, her," I nod. "Okay, now- ooo, I'm blonde! Haven't been that since my third regeneration."


"And look at the curves!" I run my hands down over my body. "Ooo, I'm very sexy aren't I?"

"Uh, yeah," he says and I smirk.

"And- oh my, the ass!" I gasp and grab it. "My my, what a lovely rear bumper. Think of all the things I can do with it." I turn my butt to the Doctor, my hands still on it. "Look at it."

"I-I am," the Doctor says, obviously flustered.

"Touch it."


"Nah, just joking," I laugh but wink at him. "We can do that later."

"Damn, Elora-"

"Not done," I repeat and touch my face. "Lovely cheek bones. Gotta love cheek bones. And-" I click my teeth together. "The teeth are nice. Overbite, but straight. Nice."

"You might want to-"

"And I've got boobs! Thank goodness for those."

"Hold on a sec-"

"Wait," I interrupt. "Wait. Waaaaait. Red leather yellow leather blue leather. You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York."

"Wait are you-"

"Arcadia!" I gasp and he jumps. "My Arcadian accent is back! I lost it when I first regenerated."

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