Ch 27 - Unbottle

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I crouch behind some luggage, trying to find Haydie. I think people are staring at me, but I don't care. I just care about where she is. A seagull lands on my shoulder and I shoo it away.

"Well, we should probably get going!" I hear myself say and I quickly look up.

I see my past self holding hands with Haydie and Amy. Amy looks a little bored, but Haydie looks ecstatic. My hearts stop at the sight of her. So full of life. I shake my head to stop the tears from coming. I need to be cool. Mr. Cool.

"I've been here in the past and I don't want to find… me."

Oh if you only knew. Well, you will, but

Past me suddenly runs away with Amy, leaving Haydie all alone. I know that another past me is talking to a family not too far away. I can't just talk to her in the open, I'll have to hide her somewhere.

I walk up to her, trying to look casual and not like I'm going to sort of kidnap her. She's talking to herself, something about the Titanic movie and killer robots.

I reach out my hand to touch her arm, but I stop when I hear her laugh. I loved her laugh. I take a shaky breath before I grab her and bring her to my hiding spot.

"Hey!" She yells but I cut her off by hugging her. Oh my god this is her this is Hayden. I hear her sniff and I smirk. "Doctor?"

I'm not "sir" anymore.

I grin as I take in her features. "Oh, look at you. Look at you!" I put my hands on her shoulders. Oh, I've missed her. She looks shocked but a little happy that I'm here.

"Doctor, are you okay?" She asks. She probably thinks I'm the past me, coming to rescue her.

"Okay, where are you?" I mutter. I remember coming here with her, but I don't really remember everything. The trip was kind of bleak.

"I'm right here?"

"No, not like that. I'm not blind," I roll my eyes but sigh. "Oh, I've missed you!"

She stares at me in worry. "Did someone sell you something?" She whispers and I can't help but laugh.

"No, don't worry," I smile to assure her. "Okay, so 1912. Early on, I believe. After River. Wait no-" I bring her close and smell her. She smells more exciting, but she doesn't have the earthy smell of the catacombs. "Before River. Okay then. Ooo, I wonder…"

This might be a bad idea.

"Wonder what?"

"Let me look into your eyes."

Doesn't hurt to try.

"Doctor, what are you-"

She's interrupted with me bringing my face so close to her, our noses touch. She takes a sharp intake of breath, and I know she's trapped in the soul searching. Okay, so it works if one hasn't done it yet, even though the other has. I can still focus on some things, but I'm still light headed. She has really pretty eyes. Oh no, I think I lost her. Shit, this must've been her first time. How long has it been?

I lean away and she breathes heavily. I have to take some quick breaths, but other than that, I'm fine.


"Shhh," I interrupt, not wanting her to strain herself and pass out. Surprisingly, she actually listens to me and closes her mouth. Obviously very woozy. "Okay, very early on. I'll keep that noted. Your eyes are slightly red…"

nightmares ~ doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now