Ch 22 - Tainted Love and Dragons

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Tainted Love and Dragons

"Where are we going?" I laugh at the Doctor's extra peppy mood. He's practically dancing around the console while he flies us.

"I don't know!" He almost giggles. "Isn't that fun?"

"Where's Amy and Rory?" I ask him and his dancing stops.

"I locked them in their bedroom."

"What?" I ask, not actually that surprised. "Why?"

"Well, we're going on a date," he shrugs. "I like to make sure they stay out of it. Also, Rory kind of died-"


"Long story, one that I'm not completely sure happened. But he's alive now. Anyways," he throws the subject away. "Where do you want to go? I'm thinking somewhere beachy, like Oceanifluctus. It has the best water park-"

"How about Earth? I hear it has water parks too-"

"Or Egisse? Lovely place, lots of skiing-"

"Earth has skiing too-"

"Or maybe Ytternda! You can see the trees your door is made out of-"

"Earth has these redwood trees I've been dying to see-"

"Maybe we could go back in time to see dinosaurs-"

"The Boston Science Museum has a t-rex model in it. I haven't been there in a while-"

"Or the future. We can see a star die and be reborn-"

"Actually, we could see that practically any time-"

"The Singing Towers of Darilium!"

"Doctor!" I shout and he turns to me with a manic expression. "You need to calm down."


"Deeeeep breathes," I walk up to him and place my hands on his shoulders. "Okay?"

"Jahoole though-"

"Shhh," I hold his face. "Shhhh."

"What are you-"

"Shhhhhhh," I repeat and he stops talking. "Let's go to Earth."


"Earth," I repeat. "Rollerskating at Earth."


"Rollerskating," I interrupt. I pat his face and walk away. He stares at me confused.

"What just happened?" He asks me.

"You decided that we're going to go to present day Earth to go rollerskating," I grin at him.

"But I don't even know how to rollerskate!" He objects.

"Well, now you can learn," I smile at him and pull on a lever. The TARDIS hums and shakes. "Whoa, that actually worked!"

"I think you might have accidentally brought us to the 11th century, actually," he moves towards the moniter. "No, 12th. Press that button."

"This one?" I point to a glowy green one.

"No! No no no. This one," he points to a purple one and I do as he says. "The green one would have brought us right into a black hole."

"I feel so safe right now," I mutter and he grins.

"You know, I should teach you how to drive this," he muses.

"Really?" I raise my brows at him. "I almost just trapped us in a black hole. Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah, might as well. Seeing as you're going to be here for a while," he says and I look down. "Did you know that the TARDIS was made to have six pilots? All of them were. That's why I'm so bad at this, I'm playing all six! Now, having someone there with me could help a lot-"

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