Ch 11 - Movie and a Dinner

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a little short and a little filler-ish, but I love it. lots of eeeeeee. you have been warned.


Movie and a Dinner

"What movie do you want to watch?" The Doctor asks. I skim over the movie titles that are currently playing at the theater.

"I don't know…" I muse. "I haven't really been checking up on the movies that are out. I'm more into music and… drawing."

"You're an artist?" He asks me and I nod.

"Well, not an official one, per say. I doodle at times, or if I'm feeling bored I start to sketch something out. Never really comes right together though…" I trail off and look up at the Doctor. "What?"

"Nothing," he shakes his head. "Just nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"How about this one?" He changes the subject and points to a random movie.

"Pretty sure that's a kid's movie."

"This one?"

"Based off of a book I read already. Seen the trailers. Nothing like the book."

"This one?"

"It's a sequel. I haven't seen the first one."

"That one?"

"That's the kid's movie again."

"Well damn, Haydie!" He huffs. "I'll pick out the movie. You're too indecisive."

"I'm not indecisive! I'm just… picky," I shrug and he rolls his eyes.

He walks up to the ticket counter. "Give me two tickets to a random movie I don't care what movie it is this girl is indecisive so we just need a random movie!" He blurts out.

"Oh my god you're so rude!" I shove him away and smile apologetically at the vendor. His name tag says Brad. "Two tickets to whatever movie you recommend please."

"3D or regular?" Brad smiles back.

"3D," we both say at the same time. Brad types stuff onto the computer, prints out the tickets, grabs two 3D glasses, and hands them to us. I take out my wallet, but the Doctor stops me.

"No, no, no. I'm paying," he insists.

"Don't play that chivalry bullshit on me. I'm gonna pay," I argue and hand Brad the money.

"Fine," he pouts but then grins. "But I'm going to buy the candy!" He yells and runs away.

"Oh my god he's a man child," I mutter and Brad laughs.

"Is he your brother or…?" He asks. He has a nice, soft, deep voice. Basically perfection.

"No, we're just friends. It feels like he's my brother though," I explain and Brad chuckles. "He pissed me off so he's doing this as an apology."

"What'd he do? If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh, I don't know. Lots of stuff, I guess," I shrug. "He's like that friend you want to strangle but you still love." I think for a bit. "I have a lot of friends like that. I should probably fix that." Brad chuckles and I smile.

"Tell me about it. I have this one friend who every time I show them a band or something, they act like it's shit. Next week, posters of them, all over their walls."

"Really?" I grin.

"And then they take the credit for finding them!"

"Oh, people like that drive me insane," I laugh and he smiles.

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