Ch 14 - Upstairs and Rings

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Upstairs and Rings

"So how did you two meet?" Sophie asks me as we walk towards the park. The Doctor and Craig are walking in front of us, wearing their soccer uniforms.

"He had a business trip to Boston, which is where I live. We met in a coffee shop and we've been friends ever since. I decided to check out England with him to see if it's a good place to stay," I say and she nods. The Doctor made me recite that before we left.

"You just got up and left with a man you just met?" She asks but immediately looks guilty. "Sorry, that was rude."

"No, it's okay," I laugh. "Well, what happened was…" I try to think of something to say, but I realize she's right. I end up being silent.

"Oh. I see," she smirks at me. "You love him." I choke on air.

"What?! No! Oh my god!" I cough out. "No, we're only friends! I don't like him in that way."

"Oh, yeah, sure," she laughs as we reach a field full of men in soccer gear. A man wearing said soccer gear walks up to us and greets Craig and Sophie.

"Hello, I'm Craig's new flatmate. I'm called the Doctor," he air kisses the man and I shake my head.

"He greeted me the same way," Sophie whispers to me.

"Of course he did."

"All right, Doctor. I'm Sean," the man says. "Where are you strongest?"

"Arms," the Doctor says confidently but is followed by uncomfortable silence.

"No, he means the position on the field," I tell him.

"Oh, right, Haydie, thanks," he smiles at me. "Uhm, I'm not sure. The front? The side? Below?" We all stare at him.

"Are you any good though?" Sean asks, a little worried.

The Doctor quickly twirls the ball on his finger. "Let's find out," he smiles and bounces the ball around as he walks further into the field.

"We're doomed," I groan.

The game starts and Sophie and I watch from the sidelines. Sophie woops and cheers for the Doctor, but I boredly look at the sky. I was never one for sports.

"He's not that bad, you know," Sophie leans towards me as she claps. I look at the field in time to see the Doctor make a goal by hitting the ball into the net with his head.

"What a show off," I mumble and she laughs.

"I can't see how you guys can just be friends," she says while still staring at the game. "He obviously adores you, and vice versa."

"Maybe you should look in to getting glasses, because you're obviously blind," I joke.

"I'm serious!" She laughs. "I may not have known you guys for long, but I can tell he has major feelings for you. I can see it when he looks at you."

"How can you tell that?"

"Because I'm like that with Craig."

I snap my head towards her. Her face looks glum as she looks in between the Doctor and the man she just confessed her feelings for. I wait for her to explain further, but she doesn't. I sigh and watch the birds fly above us.


The game ends and, not surprisingly, the team won with major help from the Doctor. We're hanging out with a couple of the teammates by some bleachers and celebrating the win. I take a sip of my soda as I'm overwhelmed with stinky sweaty men, with the one with his arm around me smelling the worst. The Doctor smiles down at me and I return it with a scowl. I hate sports.

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