Ch 13 - Roomies and Neighbors

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Roomies and Neighbors

"I'm bored."

"Then why don't we go somewhere?"

"I can't think of any cool places. Any requests?"



"I'm new to this."

"Hm... Haydie-"

"Nope," I say and flip to the next page in my magazine. We're all lounging around the console room, waiting for something exciting to happen.

"You don't know what I was-"

"You want me to play piano for you and possibly sing too so you can find inspiration from my musical awesomeness and then probably bring us to some dump just like you did last time," I say and look up at him. He's staring at me with a huffy expression.

"Okay, fine. Maybe you do," he mutters. I hum in a I told you so type of way.

"Wait, what are you guys talking about?" Rory asks.

"Heh, you're out of the loop," I smirk and he rolls his eyes. "I can play the piano and I can sing. He says he needs to listen to me for 'inspiration' for trip ideas when really he just wants to hear me play and he's too stupid to realize that he can just ask instead of bothering me with dumb excuses." Rory furrows his brow while Amy snorts in agreement.

"That... is not true..." the Doctor mumbles and I scoff. "Fine, you don't have to sing, but I still want you to play!"

I think it over. I'm too lazy to do it, but he's not going to stop bugging me if I say no. I sigh in defeat.

"Fine, whatever," I mumble.

"Goodie!" He claps and smiles like a five year old. "What are you guys still doing here? C'mon, we've got a song to play! Move it, move it!"

The Doctor shoves us all down the corridors in an excited hurry. I don't see why he's so happy. I mean, I know I'm good, but I'm not that good.

We reach my bedroom and the Doctor practically throws Amy and Rory onto my bed. He gently pushes me to the piano before leaving against it and I plop down on the bench. I sigh and place my fingers over the correct keys, already knowing what I'm going to play. The first few measures of the song flows out and I smile. I quickly glance up at the Doctor who's staring intensely at me.

Ah, what the hell.

"Every time when I look in the mirror / All these lines on my face gettin clearer / The past is gone / It went by like dusk to dawn / Isn't that the way / Everybody's got the dues in life to pay / I know nobody knows / Where it comes and where it goes / I know it's everybody's sin / You got to lose to know how to win," I sing out and bob my head as I get into the music. "Sing with me, sing for the years / Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear / Sing with me, just for today / Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away."

I think I hear Rory singing subtly in the background. I find out that I'm correct once he helps to sing the weird notes my feminine voice can't reach. Soon Amy joins along too. God, I love this song.

I play the last few notes and stare at the keys once the song ends. I hear Amy and Rory cheering in the background and I grin. That was pretty cool.

"What song was that?" The Doctor asks and I jump. When did he sit on the bench? "Amy and Rory know it, obviously, but I don't think I've heard it before."

"Really? It's Dream On by Aerosmith. One of the greatest songs ever," I tell him. He gives me a blank stare and I roll my eyes. "Get with the times, oldie."

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