Ch 9 - Blackouts and Telepathy

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Blackouts and Telepathy


Something buzzes inside my brain, making me take a sharp intake of breath. I don't know where I am, but the feeling of being cradled in someone's arms and the rise and fall of their footsteps comforts me. I try to open my eyes, but I find that I can't. It feels like they're hot glued together. I focus on my ears and find that they're working perfectly fine. I can hear the air coming and leaving the man's chest and his steady heart beat. Wait, no, heart beats. Are there two? I must be imagining things. I can also hear voices, but I can't match them with a face.

"…how they found each other. It shouldn't have been that intense, but it was my first time and she's human."

"What do you mean? What happened exactly?"

"Our souls reached out to each other. Remember how in the journal it said 'eyes are not windows, they're doors'?" They pause. "We were close enough so they just reached out and… mingled."

"Can that happen again?"

"Nah, it's just a one time thing. I'm guessing that there are some loopholes, though."

"But she should be in a coma, not just passed out. A human mind can't take that much."

"I think she already did it before, but with a future version of me. He would've already been bonded to the her from the future, so it wasn't as intense for her."

"I still don't understand."

"And you don't have to. It's between me and her," the person carrying me says and shifts me a little in their arms. "I hope future me isn't so stupid to try anything with her."

"Doctor!" Someone gasps and I hear a slap.

"Ow! Not like that! I meant, like, kissing, and dates. I want to be the first to do that to her."

"Did you always know that you guys were…" the person trails off.

"Oh, yeah, sure. The moment I first layed my eyes on her. Well, actually, not really. No, I didn't know."


"I didn't really believe it so I ignored it and pretended she was just a normal everyday human. I was confused because I've never experienced anything like it before. It wasn't until after Haydie spent her first night here that I really truly knew."

"But you guys must've looked in each others eyes all lovey dovey before. I mean, you follow her around like a love sick puppy and vice versa."

"The bond wasn't strong enough yet. It starts to build by gentle  touches and just being in each others presence. I think it became strong enough the night of Beethoven. Around the time we had a nightmare I think." The person carrying me shivers. "Before that, it was just us becoming slightly dazed, but managing to snap out of it."

"We? You both had a nightmare?"

"Yep. Any dream any of us has from the start of the bond can be viewed as long as we're both sleeping at the same time in the same time."

There's a pause.

"Time lords are fucking weird."

"Amy, watch your mouth!"

"It's true, though. The weirdest part is is the fact that she's human. I thought you said it's just a Time Lord between Time Lord thing."

"Maybe she's not human?"

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