Ch 12 - Afraid and Abrupt Endings lmao

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Afraid and Abrupt Endings lmao

The Doctor brought me back home with a goodnight kiss on the cheek and left to go to the TARDIS. I smile as I watch his retreating figure. Maybe him - us - won't be such a bad thing.

I quickly walk up the stairs to my apartment, a lot less winded than I usually am thanks to the Doctor's mandatory daily exercise called running away from random stupid enemies. I unlock the door and step inside. The place seems to be empty.

"Mom, Dad? I'm home!" I yell and leave some M&Ms on the table for them. "Sorry it took so long, John was being..." I stop talking when I see a frantic looking Doctor barge out of my bedroom. "What the hell?"

"Haydie!" He gasps and hugs me. "Where have you been?"

"Uhm, out?" I ask confused and pull away. "Why?"

"I've been here for an hour looking for you!"

"Well, it's kind of a small apartment. Shouldn't have taken you that long..."

"Hush up, Haydie. You knew what I meant," he says and hugs me again.

"I only went to the movies," I huff and push him away.

"By yourself?" He asks confused.

"No," I answer simply.

His eyes darken. "With that John fellow I heard you mention earlier?"

"Yep," I nod.

He groans and flops on the living room couch. More muffled groaning noises came out of him and I laugh.

"His name was John Smith. Lovely fellow, wears bowties," I joke and his groaning stops.

"I hate you," I hear him say.

"No you don't," I chuckle and sit on his feet. He turns his head so he's not talking into the couch anymore.

"You seem very peppy today," he comments.

"I had a good day today," I shrug. "Where's your jacket, Tweedy?"

"I lost it," he mumbles and tries to look at me, but I'm still sitting on his feet. "Tweedy?"

"Yeah, like Tweety bird, and you wear tweed. How do you lose a jacket?"

"It might be in the bath," he furrows his brow. "Or the fridge."

"Damn, you're away from me for only an hour and you're already a mess," I shake my head. "You're never going to live when I die."

"Don't say that," he growls and I jump up off of the couch.

"Whoa there, calm down," I try to joke. He buries his head into the couch again. "How do you know where I live?"

"Brought future Hayden to Venice. She told me where it was."

"Ooo, did I have fun?" I sit back down on his feet.

"I believe so," he turns his head and smiles, but it quickly disappeared. "The fish kind of ruined it though..."

"Fish?" I ask but he shakes his head.

"So how was the movies?" He asks.

"Horrible movie, lots of candy, great pizza, you'll find out sooner or later," I wink and walk back to the kitchen where I left my purse. "Do you want Twizzlers or Sour Patch Kids? You bought tons of the stuff," I call out to him.

"One of each would be nice," I hear him answer and I roll my eyes. I grab his candy with some gummy worms and snow caps for me and walk back into the living room. The Doctor is now sitting on the couch like a normal person and he's resting his arms over the back of the couch like a lot of men do. I walk over, sit right next to him, and lean my head against his shoulder. He jumps a bit in surprise but quickly relaxes and rests his arm around my shoulders.

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