Ch 26 - Unstable

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surprise tuesday update!


that is correct. bc this chapter is kind of short and bc I feel like it, for this week only, I'll go back to regular updates. for those of you who do not know, it means that not only will there be an update today, but another one on friday. a double whammy. but it all goes back to normal with wednesday updates next week, okay?

you're welcome.



"Okay, you've got this. Day one on the train of recovery. Oh, and don't forget the bow tie."

I fiddle around with the TARDIS console with extra pep. I've decided earlier today that this will be the day where I'll actually get things done. After two weeks of despair, I will emerge from my cocoon and become a beautiful butterfly. A beautiful butterfly with damaged wings who cannot fly. A beautiful butterfly with damaged wings who cannot fly who also had his heart ripped out of its chest.

The proper metaphor is still a work in progress.

"Right, this is easy. Nothing to worry about."

Also I've been talking to myself a lot more than usual.

"You can go out and have a nice happy life," I tell myself. "Well, maybe not a happy life, but you can have a nice one."

The TARDIS bucks and I fall to the ground. "Hey, what's wrong?" I rub the time rotor and she hums. I shrug and continue flying, albeit a bit worried.

"Okay, random. I like the random setting. Usually that setting puts me in the face of danger, but it's still a nice setting," I say as I turn a knob. "Random. I can do with random."

The TARDIS lands and I clap in excitement. "Boy, haven't felt like this in a long while! Maybe I'm finally getting over her?" I look behind me and survey the console room. There's trash everywhere and it stinks like alcohol. The console changed its appearance one night while I was in a fit of rage. "Maybe not," I wince and hop over to the doors. "Stay out of trouble, David!"

I walk out of the TARDIS like the smooth man I am. I look around, not really impressed with the scenery. I thought I was going to pop up in a volcano or something, not a dirty city. I sigh and straighten my bowtie, but pause when I see a figure across the street staring back at me.

Maybe I can make a new friend, a new companion for the ride?

Wait, no. I squint my eyes a bit to see better, but they pop back open when I realize who is standing a couple feet away from me.


Her eyes widen and she looks around. Her gaze focuses on me again and she points to herself in confusion. I rapidly nod my head. Who else would it be?

"Oh my god, Hayden!" I quickly rush over and hold her in my arms. This is the living breathing version of her, not some drunken reality. Is she walking home from one of our adventures? Can we hang out? "I can't believe there's more time!"

Moving on, pfft. Who cares about moving on?

"Whoa there, buddy!" She pushes me away and I look at her in confusion, but I end up grinning again. Maybe this is the beginning when we weren't as close. I can deal with that. "I have pepper spray, and I'm not afraid to use it!"

"Ah, no you don't," I wave my hand. She does have bugspray though.

I take a step back and do that weird clapping hand thing I do. Why do I do that? I talk with my hands a lot.

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