Ch 18 - Leadworth and the TARDIS

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LONGEST CHAPTER IN THE BOOK SNAZZY WAZZY! man out feels like it's been a week since I've last uploaded this.

the italics and bolds are there for a reason; if you watched the episode, you'll know why. so, yeah. enjoy.


Leadworth and the TARDIS

I sit up with a groan and rub my head. I hear a grunt and see the Doctor doing the same.

"What was that?" I ask.

"No idea," he says and quickly stands up. "But we've landed. Let's go check it out."

"But what if it's dangerous?" I ask.

"Haydie, haven't you learned that it's always dangerous?" He winks at me and I roll my eyes. I stand up and we rush out of the TARDIS.

I step on a rock and I almost fall but the Doctor catches me. We step over what seems to be a rockery and hear a door opening. We look up to see Rory running towards us.

"Rory!" We both yell and grin.

"Hayden! Doctor!" He exclaims with slight confusion but hugs us.

"What's up with your hair?" I ask. I flip his pony tail and he glares at me.

"We've seemed to have crushed you flowers," the Doctor notes.

"Oh, Amy will kill you guys," Rory winces.

"Where is she?" The Doctor asks.

"She'll need a bit longer," he says.

"Why?" I ask but I'm answered by a bloated Amy waddling her way towards us.

"Hey! Look at you!" I grin and try to hug her around her pregnant belly.

"You've swallowed a planet!" The Doctor hugs her next.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant!" She laughs.

"You're huge!"

"I'm pregnant!"

"When world's collide!"

"Doctor, I'm pregnant."

"Oh, look at you both! Five years later and you haven't changed a bit. Well, apart from age and size," he claps and rubs his hands together. Amy rolls her eyes.

"Ah, it's good to see you both," she laughs. The Doctor nods and looks back and forth between her face and stomach.

"Are you pregnant?" He asks and this time I roll my eyes.


"Ah, Leadworth. Vibrant as ever," the Doctor says as he looks at the stone buildings. After a quick tour of the house, we decided to have a walk throughout town.

"It's Upper Leadworth, actually," Rory corrects. "We've gone slightly upmarket."

"Kind of boring," I whisper to the Doctor and he chuckles. A stray dog runs up to us and barks at me. "What's that? Little Timmy fell down the well?" I laugh at my own joke and they all stare at me. "Come on! That's probably the best and only comedy you'll get here."

"He's actually asking for food," the Doctor says.


"He's asking for food. He smells meat," he explains.

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