Ch 30 - Remembering and Renewal

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Remembering and Renewal


That's all I can see.


That's all I can feel.


That's all I can hear.


That's all I can taste.

Wait, what?

The pain running through my veins finally subsides. I feel like gasping for breath, but I can't. I can't feel myself breathe or even feel the need to breathe. Oh shit, I'm dead, aren't I?

Suddenly, there's a weird plinking noise, like someone tapping on an old TV. The darkness starts to lighten and I squint my eyes at the sudden brightness. In front of me is a middle aged lady with a man running around wildly in the background. They seem to be in some sort of mechanical shop.

"Is this working?" The lady asks in an accent I don't recognize.

"Yes, Dilly," the man sighs. "Now where's the wrench…"

"Later, Victus," the lady who I'm guessing is named Dilly scolds. "We need to make this for F-"

"Don't say her name," Victus interrupts. "You know how she hates her real name."

"Right, yes. What's the name she gave herself? Oh, it doesn't matter," she breathes out a giant puff of air. "Where was I? Oh right, the secudamalter."

The whaty-damn-what?

"There's a war raging on, and its coming closer to Arcadia," Dilly says in all seriousness. "We do not know how bad the war will be, and we are not certain if you will be safe. All we want is your safety."

"Seeing as we're your parents and all," Victus adds in.


"Well, she won't know that when she wakes up," Dilly hisses. She looks back at me. "Right, okay. Because we didn't know if you would be safe, we made you this," she holds up a pendant and I recognize it as my own. "We obviously know you're going to fight in the war."

"Always up for an adventure, you say," Victus adds in.

"Anyways," she says with a hint of impatience. "If you die without a chance of regeneration, this will be your back up. You will be forced to regenerate and then be turned into a human, seeing as you love them so much. Once you die in your human form, you will be changed back into a Time Lord."

Holy shit.

"Of course, there are some exceptions," she sighs. "The process will take up two regenerations, which we hope you have. You also won't remember most of your past. Chances are you won't remember us. All you'll know is this message, what happened a couple minutes before you died, and some scattered probably useless memories. It kills us that you might not even know your own mother and father, but it's a worthy sacrifice."

"Also, it's a one time thing," Victus adds in. "And will only work if you wear it at the times of your deaths."

"I think she'll figure that out, seeing as she'll be seeing this message," Dilly huffs and I feel like smiling. They remind me of some people.

"Also, don't forget-" Victus is interrupted by a crash. "What was that?"


"They're here," Dilly gasps and turns to Victus. "Quickly, bring this to her."

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