Ch 4 - Moonlight and Nebulae

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Moonlight and Nebulae

The Doctor decided to just have a day off today, deeming that I wasn't completely emotionally stable yet and claiming they were both tired from just getting back from WWII. They had to battle these alien things called the Daleks, and from how they described their physical appearance just in case I ever ran into one, they didn't seem that scary, but what would I know?

I'm currently wrapped up in a blanket and sitting on the railing chair with Amy while the Doctor is playing around with the moniter. They're drinking tea but I for one hate tea, so I'm sipping on some hot chocolate instead.

"How long was it for you guys? You know, to come get me," I ask while taking a sip of my drink.

"Well," Amy starts to explain, "once we left, I mentioned your little incident to him, but he rambled on about like 'oh she's okay she's a little spitfire she can handle herself' but, when we went to airship Britain and saved the starwhale, that's when he realized that you were, excuse my language, fucked." I almost choked on my hot cocoa. "But then Winston Churchill called, and he totally forgot about you and we saved the Earth from the toilet plungers, and that was when he decided to get you. So like, two, maybe four days? I don't know, time is hard." She takes a sip of her drink with furrowed brows.

"Amy, don't call them toilet plungers. They're much more dangerous than a clogged toilet, and you should know," the Doctor scolds her but she rolls her eyes. "How long was it for you, Haydie?"

"Oh, only like three hours," I answer and shrug but the Doctor gasps.

"It was supposed to be five minutes!" He groans and I chuckle.

"You should probably stop telling people that," I sip my hot cocoa and he playfully glares at me. "By the way, do you have a bathroom? Or a kitchen? Or bedrooms? Do you even sleep?" My eyes widen at the thought.

"Yes, of course I sleep!" He huffs. "Granted, I can to sleep less than humans, which is great, because I'm too busy to sleep anyways."

I raise my brow. "What about the other things?"

"What other things?"

"In one ear and it the other," I mumble. The Doctor didn't hear but Amy snorted. "Bathroom? Kitchen? Bedroom? Ring any bells?"

"Ah, yes," he nods. "The TARDIS is making your bedroom as we speak and I believe there'll be a connected bathroom with it. And of course we have a kitchen, where do you think we got the drinks?"

"I don't know, I'm not a mind reader!" I huff. We both end up sighing at the same time, which causes Amy to look back and forth between us.

Suddenly, there's a ding. "Ah! She's finished with your room!" I jump up and abandon my drink as he walks over to me. "Let me show you the way." He brings his hand out, and instead of holding it, I link our arms together at the elbows and look up at him with an innocent smile. He seems to have taken a sharp intake of breath, but hides it with a smile. Maybe I stink? I should probably take a shower.

We twist down corridors and hallways with him giving me a tour along the way. "…and right here is the library, and much to Amy's dismay, it does not contain a swimming pool. It does, however, have a pool table in it, so that's fun." I don't even want to ask.

We walk around a corner and he stops suddenly. We're in front of a dark wooden door that seems to be a shade of purple, but the wood hasn't been painted.

"Ah, what a smart girl. She chose wood from the oaflin tree from the planet Ytternda. Beautiful and sturdy lumber, and luckily, those trees pollinate and pop up like rabbits, so no fear of them going away. I take it that purple is your favorite color?" The Doctor looks down at me.

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