Ch 28 - Unravel

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I walk around the TARDIS, thoughts racing through my mind. I'm not sure if visiting the past Haydie was actually a good idea. In fact, it looks like that she seems to dislike me even more. Maybe I should just stop, even though I know we have many more encounters. I bet it won't mess up the future that much.

Oh, who am I kidding? It's going to fuck up the future.

But I remember when she came back from our breaks, she looked happier than she did when I dropped her off. When I left her after the Angels, she was pretty pissed, but when she came back, she looked joyful. She also seemed more willing for future dates. Was that because of me, Doctor #3?

I grin as an idea pops in my head. I flip a switch as I remember the next free time Hayden has. I dropped her off in an alleyway after the whole me and Amy incident. I wince as I realize that I left her without her knowing how to get home.

I landed the TARDIS and quickly pop my head out. I see Haydie quickly turn around and, like every other time I see her, my hearts stop.

"Hello," I grin. "Do you need help home?" My grin disappears as she stomps up to me and slaps me hard in the face. "What the hell was that for?!" I ask, cupping my wounded cheek.

"I'm mad at you," she huffs and turns back around, walking down the alley. I roll my eyes at her back and quickly catch up to her.

"Over here," I gesture towards a door. We walk inside and I'm met by the surprised face of the antique shop owner. "Hello again, Mr. Thorne. Long time no see," I wave to the old man and he nods.

"When did you get so aquainted to him?" Haydie asks as we walk out of the shop.

"Long story. It involves a fish."


"Long story," I repeat and grimace. That poor fish… "So why are you mad at me this time?"

"You're keeping secrets from me," she grumbles and I nod.

"Past me or me me?"

"Both, but mostly past you," she sighs as we turn a corner. "How do you know how to get to my house?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I scoff, but then I remember that I haven't technically been there yet. "Explain the secret thing. How did you find out about it?"

"So there are secrets. Great," she groans and I chuckle. "I heard you and Amy talking."

I furrow my brow. "When?"

She starts to explain what happened in her point of view. I almost choke on my own spit when she claimed that Amy said "oh, you haven't told her yet? You naughty man."

"Those weren't Amy's exact words…" I furrow my brow as I try to recover.

"So you don't deny you're hiding stuff from me!" She yells like a lawyer in a courtroom.

"No," I answer with a slight smirk. "Because I know the next time you see me - the past me, that is - that you're going to know everything."

"Promise?" She sticks out her pinky finger and stares at me. I grin and hook my pinky finger with hers.

"How about we do something different today?" I ask, wanting to laugh like a maniac because of my amazing plan. "Instead of talking, let's do something. Talking leads us to fighting or crying."

"But my mom thinks that I'm getting the mail," she tells me. I nod as I remember taking her while she was unlocking her mailbox.

"We can do that first. I'd love to meet the mother-in-law," I joke. My grin disappears when I see her staring at me in shock and my eyes widen. "I was just joking!"

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