━ I

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mania /noun/
an excessive enthusiasm or desire; an obsession

It was hot. The ground felt like it was boiling. Hot liquid leaked from her chest, staining the rocks crimson. The air pressed dry kisses to her skin. That's what she could remember.

Opening her eyes, the reddened sky pierced her vision. Too bright. Her dried but tearful eyes tried to jam close again, but she wouldn't let them. She forced herself to see these consequences.

Specks of particles fell from the sky like snow falling from white clouds upon a winter's day. But this is Spring. The snow falling from the sky burns her skin to the touch. It's black like coal. The world is crumbling.

Tears pricked the corners of her crystal eyes. She'd made a mistake. This was all a big mistake... Go back! Stop me! Someone stop me! Her hands grasped the sides of her head, clawing at her temples. Her tears fell and drew long lines down her dust and dirt stained cheeks.

That day was April 14th. The fall of Kagoshima. That day was the day Tikki Shimamura perished.

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Perhaps you're confused. I'd be too (if I wasn't the one who just wrote that). But not to worry, friend, that's my intention ; )

This fic is dedicated to bIxssm for her overwhelming kindness and amazingness and talent when it comes to writing, making covers, and just being super aesthetic lol. NOW GO READ HER WORK—

Also she convinced me to write this, so you should be thanking her more than anything :D


MANIA - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now