confrontation ━

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chapter 41
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2 Days since The Pantry Trap

Shimamura walked through the empty U.A. hallway, heading back from a meeting with Hatsume in the Support Course workshop. She had her books in her hand and some papers that Hatsume had given her to work on for their little project to enhance Shimamura's quirk. She walked with a smile on her face.

It'd been 2 days since she and Bakugou had their little moment, and she still felt that relief swarming through her. The butterflies wouldn't leave her stomach. Her head was in the clouds. She felt the happiest she's felt in a long time. Her bipolar symptoms had little to do with her current state of glee, shockingly. Current bipolar level: 6. Not very high, but not too low either.

It felt like nothing could knock her off of her new pedestal of happiness—

From down the hallway, a red door slid open and closed again as a figure stepped out of one of the classrooms. Midoriya glanced around at his surroundings as he exited the classroom, spotting Shimamura walking his way.

She stopped and sucked in a breath. Right, she's still ignoring Midoriya. Shit.

She spun on her heel and started heading back in the direction she had come from. But it was too late.

"Shima! Wait up!" Midoriya jogged up to her, fumbling with putting his bag strap across his shoulder.

At first, she didn't respond. But then he had the audacity to cut her off and stand directly in her path, limiting her from walking past him.

"Hey! Hold on! I wanted to talk to you!" Midoriya said frantically.

Shimamura frowned at him. "Midoriya, now's not a great time."

"One minute! Please just spare me a minute!"

She raised an eyebrow at him. He was lucky she was in such a good mood and feeling rather generous right now. After all, if not for him telling Bakugou about her disorder, she probably wouldn't have the standing she has with Bakugou currently. As much as she didn't want to credit Midoriya for anything he's done, she kind of had to.

"Alright one minute. What?"

Midoriya took a sigh of relief. But Shimamura wasn't going to give him any extra time over a minute. He took a deep breath and immediately started rambling.

"I know you hate talking about this, but I really need to talk to you about the lithium carbonate pills you take!"

Shimamura narrowed her eyes at him. Not this again.

"Midoriya, that's my medication. You should know that better than anyone with all that research you did." She rolled her eyes at the memory. "They're to keep my bipolar levels steady."

She glanced around her momentarily, making sure no one else was in the hallway to hear their conversation. He already told Bakugou. She didn't need him telling anyone else. To her relief, the coast was clear.

He continued without her even making eye contact with him.

"No, actually that's not what they're for."

Shimamura's blue eyes snapped back to him. What sort of bullshit is he spitting now?


"Lithium carbonate isn't for keeping your levels steady. It's for decreasing manias in bipolar disorder patients. I'm pretty sure that you definitely don't need to be decreasing your manias based on your usual attitude all the time. Your so-called medication isn't helping you!"

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