━ the transfer program

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chapter 8


The Class 2-B teacher stood close to the center of the room, hovering behind her designated seat around the rectangular table. Other teachers were chatting amongst themselves around the perimeter of the room while others had taken their seats and were merely relaxing. Everyone awaited this annual meeting. The meeting that would determine the next month or so for a few select students here at UA.

The blonde raised her wrist, checking one of the four watches located on her forearm. 4:28 PM. 2 minutes until they'd start. Everyone was already here. They might as well start early—


Her eyes glanced to the side without moving her head. Stepping over to her was a lanky figure dressed in all black besides the singular white scarf-like contraption wrapped around his neck. His sunken eyes stared very sleepily at her bright colors of blue and gold.

Sighing, she turned to him and gave him a polite smile as a greeting. "Shota. Glad to see you've joined the party."

"1st year Hero Course teachers are obligated to come. You, on the other hand, don't have to," he responded.

"It's necessary for all staff members to have a say in this momentous program. It remains to be one of the most important events for students outside of our beloved Hero Course."

"Good to see you too, Irisa."

"Pleasure's all mine." She smiled, almost sarcastically.

A banshee like cheer rang from their side. An arm slumped over each of their shoulders and a figure situated themselves in between the two teachers. Irisa Arima immediately ducked her head away, cringing at the loud annoyance. Shota Aizawa just shook his head. They both knew who had joined their perfectly stable conversation.

"Shota! Irisa! My two favorite teechs!"

Present Mic grinned at the two. Arima groaned and shrugged his arm off of her shoulders. Aizawa mimicked the action, but gave less of a reaction to Mic's presence.

Arima straightened up, reclaiming her authoritarian posture. "Hizashi. You came to this meeting...?"

Aizawa scoffed. "'Every staff member has a say in this momentous program, Irisa. It's one of the most important events for students outside of our beloved Hero Course, you know.'"

Arima narrowed her eyes at him. Present Mic paused, but nodded profusely once Aizawa finished. "What he said!" Mic didn't get the call back.

"Don't mock me, Aizawa," she snapped. "I already get enough of that from Tikki."

"Speaking of which," Aizawa pulled out the chair next to Arima's and sat down in it. "I was surprised to see Tikki in the Sports Festival."

Arima clenched her fists down around the head of her chair. "Oh?" She bit the side of her cheek.

Aizawa nodded. "She didn't show up for the Entrance Exam or with the Recommended... But I'm sure you knew that since it was probably your doing."

Principal Nezu hopped up onto the table on the far side of the room. He rang a small bell, capturing everyone's attention. He made a small announcement that the meeting is commencing and the teachers and other staff members locate themselves around the table, each finding their own seat. Arima slid her own chair out and sat down beside Aizawa. On the other side of Arima sat Midnight who seemed too distracted by her nails to attempt at conversation with her neighbor.

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