━ kagoshima

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chapter 54

APRIL 14th, 10:16 AM

Everything was on red alert in the seaside city of Kagoshima. Residents ran amuck as they scurried from their houses with the few belongings they could carry with them, running from the source of danger just beyond the beaches. Their screams and shouts for help were drowned out by the explosions erupting from the water surrounding the city. Heroes from all across Japan had entered the scene and were fighting within the city to protect the innocent bystanders as well as fighting at the main source of their problems: Sakurajima, the volcano located on an island just off the shore.

The once dormant volcano bellowed with life. Smoke poured from the gaping hole in the mouth of the volcano and red hot liquid started to leak from the sides, overflowing. It spewed every so often, threatening to erupt. And every spew was preceded by a violent shaking of the earth as it was tempted to boil over and destroy everything in its wake.

Pro heroes Sensima and Mindjack stepped into the chaos, having been called to the scene by numerous pro heroes that were already present. Shimamura stepped into one of Kagoshima's paved centers, hopping up onto the edge of a cracked fountain to see over the crowd.

Her heart dropped into her stomach at the sight of it all.

Walls of buildings collapsed in on themselves from the constant small earthquakes; pro heroes struggled to save civilians from the falling debris and keep the villains at bay; the entire city was crumbling. And far off from where she currently stood, the volcano's lava slowly started to inch into the rough waters of the ocean, causing the water to solidify and steam with hot magma curling over its edges. Smoke seemed to be flooding the city more than the volcano's head itself. The sky had turned a dark red and the sun disappeared behind thick clouds and layers of smoke and ash.

She could just barely see the dark outlines of figures at the top of the volcano, watching their work with pride as the lava spilled out over the island's edge. The Seijin.

They were no doubt to blame for all of this. They were dead set on causing destruction and death in the world. What better way to do that than with a volcano? But the heroes were here to stop them... Shimamura just hoped that the heroes would be enough.

Shimamura covered her mouth and nose with her gloved hand and turned to Shinsou who stood on solid ground a few feet away from her, attempting to gesture to the evacuees where to head to for safety. The pair locked eyes and he shouted to her through his metal mask.

"Get to Sakurajima! I'll handle getting these people to safety! The others need you in the real fight!" Shinsou pointed to the volcano.

Shimamura nodded to him and dashed off without another word. There was no time to discuss in such a crisis. There were innocent lives that needed to be saved. Any second wasted was a life possibly lost to the villains.

The black and purple suited pro hero dashed through the crowds swiftly, bounding onto a low wall to run past the masses. Her lavender ribbons whipped around behind her as she ran, heading towards the beaches where she could get to the volcano itself. In her sprint, she dashed past numerous heroes fighting off Seijin members, but she couldn't stop. Her efforts were needed to take down the more prominent Seijin members at the volcano's peak.

She reached up to the side of her head, clicking on one of the three buttons located on her temple covers. Instantly, her choker tightened so she knew of its presence around her neck and the plastic on her temples simulated a high pitched buzzing noise next to her ears. Her bipolar state slowly but surely began dipping into a much lower state.

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