━ over time

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chapter 46

Back to the Reunion

"Call me! Promise me you'll call me every week from now on!" Miyata squeezed the living daylights out of Shimamura as she hugged her. Shimamura groaned as she thought she might die of lack of oxygen then and there. 

"I've missed you too much, you know!" Miyata shouted into her ear.

Shimamura choked out a laugh with the remaining air in her lungs. "O-ok Miyata. You can put me down now."

Miyata let out an extravagant sigh and released Shimamura from her grasp. Shimamura practically gasped for air as soon as her feet hit the ground again. Miyata had tears in her bright green eyes that she was wiped away with a napkin. Her lip quivered and puffed out. Shimamura smiled and shook her head at the tendril hero... such an actress.

"Everyone just goes and forgets about me all the time! Am I really that forgettable?" Miyata wailed.

Sero chuckled as he walked up, hearing Miyata's cries. He put his hand on her shoulder, grinning. "Tako Miyata? Forgettable? Never heard of such a thing."

Miyata's sorrowful cries quickly turned to a scowl as she looked at Sero and his cocky smile. She smacked him in the arm and turned back to Shimamura. He yelped and rubbed his newly forming bruise.

"I'm serious, Shima-chan! Don't forget about me!"

Shimamura smiled and rubbed Miyata's forearm reassuringly. "I promise I won't."

Miyata sighed in relief. Sero had been practically numbing his arm with his hand, but she looped her arm within his bent one and veered him away. Sero shrugged and waved to Shimamura as they walked off, heading back to their place or to work. Wherever they were going, it seemed they were definitely heading there together.

Shimamura smiled and waved them goodbye. The white haired hero took that as her cue to start packing up as well since everyone else was saying their goodbyes to one another.

She grabbed her trench coat from the coat rack and picked up the umbrella that Shinsou had entered with. She turned and glanced around the room momentarily, scanning for her purple haired roommate—but she couldn't see him. She knit her brows as she looked around some more, but still no luck.

He probably went outside. He's not so good with goodbyes anyway.

Shimamura stepped outside into the damp afternoon day. There was a gap in the rain for the time being, leaving only puddles and dripping roofs as proof that it had even poured at all. She hooked the umbrella within the crook of her elbow and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath of the damp air.

It smelled fresh. The sweet scents of the bakery mixed with the smell of rain and summer. The soft breeze had carried with it the aroma of flowers and trees from the nearby park. It was nice. Peaceful.

Current bipolar level: 7

"Strange summer day for rain, don't you think, Teeks?"

Shimamura opened her eyes and turned to the voice. She smiled. "Very."

Leaning against the umbrella stand post was Uchiha, dressed in a fluffy red sweater and blue jeans and holding her black raincoat within her arms. She smiled kindly at Shimamura from afar as she walked over to her.

"Looking for Shinsou?" Uchiha asked her.

Shimamura nodded. "Let me guess. You saw him leave?"

"He wanted me to let you know that he had to leave early. Your guys' agency called him back to work and said he'd take care of it so you wouldn't have to leave too."

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