sparring ━

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chapter 11

The green haired Izuku Midoriya bounded forwards, skidding his back foot on the ground momentarily. He skipped his foot onto the ground and flew into the air. His entire body fizzled with green energy as he leapt upwards. He drew his fist back and came down on his target, hard.

Tsuyu Asui, in her green hero costume, casually hopped out of the way of her sparring partner's attack. Midoriya's fist came in straight contact with the cement ground, cracking it all the way through to the bottom. Thankfully, the cement pillar didn't completely fall apart.

Cementoss had risen three cement pillars staggering in height for the students to use to spar on, separating them. After that, he had to leave to teach another class. If they broke any of the cement pillars now, they wouldn't get another one any time soon.

Midoriya wedged his fist out of the ground. He spun on his back foot and charged again at Asui. But he kept missing. Every time he charged, Asui hopped out of the way. He shouldn't have doubted her agility with her frog quirk.

But then again... did he really want to hurt Asui?

Midoriya paused for a second, glancing away from his opponent to the ground below the pillars. The green energy flowing around him quietly dispersed. And Asui, as the sweetheart she is, didn't have the heart to attack him while he was looking away. Obviously, he was focused on something other than attacking her right now.

Midoriya looked down below their pillar. On the ground floor were a few other sparring matches. Such matches included Kirishima and Ashido, Iida and Kaminari, Jirou and Tokoyami, and Bakugou and Sero. The others were scattered somewhere around them on the tall cement pillars or behind them, out of sight. Only the few matches on the pillars were permitted to train with their quirks right now.

However, those matches weren't the only ones existing below. Mr. Aizawa and Tikki Shimamura stood off to the side, observing. Shimamura was dressed in the typical U.A. gym uniform that they wore during the Sports Festival. Hers had funny stitches along the pants and across the stomach of the jacket.

Midoriya figured those stitches were from her injuries. Iida and Uraraka both said Shimamura and Fujimaki's match was 'gruesome' but failed to elaborate much further. Midoriya was just shocked there were no blood stains on the uniform, and that the school didn't just give her a new uniform.

But... she's just standing there?

Aizawa went as far as to tell her to put on a uniform that she didn't even need if she was just going to stand and watch. She looked nervous. Her hand itched at her opposite forearm. However, she seemed pretty content watching everyone spar with each other.

"Whatcha looking at, Midoriya?" Asui asked as she walked over to him.

"Oh, sorry Su. I got distracted."

"No worries."

Midoriya pointed down to Shimamura and Aizawa. "I just noticed Shimamura wasn't sparring with anyone, that's all."

Asui looked down below. She nodded. "That is pretty strange, isn't it? I guess her being here is strange in general, though. What are you planning on doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you usually have some sort of idea of what to do when things don't make sense. If anyone can figure out why she's here, it's you! Ribbit." Asui smiled at him, sticking her tongue out.

Midoriya paused. She had a point.

We don't have any real answers yet from Mr. Aizawa. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask why Shimamura isn't doing anything. There aren't enough people for her to have a sparring partner since the class is an even number, but maybe she wasn't meant to spar anyway. Like Uraraka said, she could be just here to watch to gather information for our gear.

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