a fallen hero ━

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chapter 69

August 3rd, 7:30 AM

The blond hero sat quietly in the small cafe in Kona, Japan. A steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of him, untouched and untampered with. His vermilion eyes closed and he sighed. He seemed relaxed.

The normally busy cafe was practically empty. The only other customer there was a college student sitting in a corner table on his computer, typing away furiously at some paper. The baristas of the little shop were at the front of the establishment, leaning back on the counter to see the television set up behind them displaying the news.

The hero cupped his hands around the coffee mug, opening his drooping eyes to stare at it. The whites of his eyes were bloodshot either from crying or from exhaustion, it was unclear which.

He blew out softly, blowing away the smoke that bellowed off the steaming coffee. The baristas turned up the news broadcast as the segment they were awaiting finally appeared on the screen. The blue newsroom shifted to a live video of the cloudy skies and crowds lining up for miles around, all facing the same direction.

The masses were dressed in dark colors, some with umbrellas despite there being no rain, and others with flowers in their hands. There were handkerchiefs and tissues in everyone's grasp. The camera angle shifted to the main view: the center of a large cemetery.

Numerous heroes surrounded a single black casket, prepped to be lowered into the ground. Pretty white and purple flowers decorated the scene, bringing a bit of color to the otherwise monotone and grim setting. Without having to look up at the screen, Bakugou knew who was in attendance. Deku would be there. As would Shinsou, Kirishima, Mirko, Miyata, and Uchiha, among others. Most of his old graduating class and the notable heroes these days were there. Dabi was somewhere hidden in the shadows, too, showing support.

There were folks from all around Japan paying their respects by leaving flowers at different sites, tentatively watching the news broadcast of the funeral or simply praying. That's why the cafe was so empty. This area was one in particular that people were gathering around to pay their respects.

"We're here with live footage from today's service. The funeral is closed to close friends of the fallen hero and family, but civilians have still come from miles out to gather around the cemetery. This is truly a great loss for everyone..."

Bakugou peeked up at the news report just in time to see a still image of the hero they were burying. He narrowed his eyes at the screen. He could hear the baristas from across the cafe sniffle and choke down small sobs as they saw the image of the fallen hero. He glanced to the side to watch them. Two of the baristas collapsed into a hug to try to console each other. Another was frozen in shock. How could this day have ever come?

"Today, we keep in our memories the hero: Sensima."

"After her immense injuries from battling the Wraith, our valiant Sensima was lost. But she will forever be remembered." The news reporter started tearing up in the background as they tried to explain Sensima's death.

But what was there to explain? A hero died. It should be painful. It should be hard. It's loss. It's abandonment and disconnection. It's death in its most basic, cruelest form. It's something no one can run from, but it still hurts.

You could outrun the world but there's no escaping Death.

Sensima was a good hero... and in Bakugou's opinion, she was one of the best.

Deku and the others helped to clear her reputation and her name before the funeral. He convinced the public that Sensima was being completely and utterly manipulated and controlled by the Seijin. He also emphasized in his conferences with the media how she fought to the end to protect the innocent rather than hurt them. Even Shinsou stepped out of his comfort zone to speak on Sensima's behalf. Sensima died a hero—and that was what mattered.

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